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coral [2019/03/29 15:22]
coral [2019/04/09 14:30]
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 CORAL 2.0 is now up and running at UMass, and can be found at http://​coral.library.umass.edu/​. Just select the image of the Du Bois Library, choose a Module, and log in with your credentials. CORAL 2.0 is now up and running at UMass, and can be found at http://​coral.library.umass.edu/​. Just select the image of the Du Bois Library, choose a Module, and log in with your credentials.
 +To view these documents you must be logged into UMass Apps. In the Google login box, type your @umass.edu email and you will be redirected to a NetID login screen.
 [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1aC8MqoWM4bzc278Z02SLqbqV-1fs46yoxjHIVowoWL0/​edit?​usp=sharing|CORAL Glossaries]] What the terminology in CORAL means, and how UMass is using it. [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1aC8MqoWM4bzc278Z02SLqbqV-1fs46yoxjHIVowoWL0/​edit?​usp=sharing|CORAL Glossaries]] What the terminology in CORAL means, and how UMass is using it.
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