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record_types_not_shared_by_five_colleges [2022/05/10 16:09]
mbanach created
record_types_not_shared_by_five_colleges [2022/05/10 16:10]
Line 4: Line 4:
 ** **
-Most records will be shared by the Five Colleges. ​ Each school will attach its own item and holdings records to a single shared bib record. ​ However, there are some exceptions, for example, special collections records. ​ For record types not shared a new record must be imported to FOLIO from OCLC.+Most records will be shared by the Five Colleges. ​ Each school will attach its own item and holdings records to a single shared bib record. ​ However, there are some exceptions, for example, special collections records.  ​**For record types not shared a new record must be imported to FOLIO from OCLC.**
record_types_not_shared_by_five_colleges.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/10 16:10 by mbanach
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