PAGE OUTDATED ARCHIVED Cataloging electronic resource versions of UMass print dissertations

The UMass Amherst library began receiving electronic resource versions of the University's dissertations and theses in 1997. Prior to this the library received only print copies, and now those are becoming available via ProQuest's digitization project of dissertations going as far back as 1964.

The decision was made to create new electronic version cataloging records for these records in order to facilitate their availability via WorldCat and our own library's OPAC. To that end, a workflow was devised in which cataloging records in OCLC are utilized to create the new electronic resource records.

NOTE: The following steps below require access to the MarcEdit cataloging tool.

With the exception of the 856, these changes are made in the MarcEdit Assigned Tasks file. The 856 fields are computer-pushed into Holdings records once they are loaded into Aleph.

Contact person: Kay Dion