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23rd_floor_linking_project_instructions [2018/06/14 16:43]
23rd_floor_linking_project_instructions [2018/06/14 16:44]
Line 37: Line 37:
 **Call number doesn’t match record** ​ **Call number doesn’t match record** ​
 If you don’t feel comfortable making these decisions, give the piece to one of the problem-solvers to deal with. They will likely check the book against the bib record and decide if it is just a label problem or something bigger. If it is just a label error, link the barcode and carry on.  If you don’t feel comfortable making these decisions, give the piece to one of the problem-solvers to deal with. They will likely check the book against the bib record and decide if it is just a label problem or something bigger. If it is just a label error, link the barcode and carry on. 
-** + 
-No record in ALEPH**+**No record in ALEPH**
 Catalog it in Connexion and export the record to ALEPH. ​ Catalog it in Connexion and export the record to ALEPH. ​
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