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goals [2017/12/05 21:09]
goals [2019/01/07 17:20]
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-**__FY18 Goals__**\\ 
-**IRM Departmental Goals** 
-  * Implement a program of selector/​liaison workshops on resource acquisitions/​renewals/​resource evaluation tools/ usability testing results ​   //some progress// 
-  * Complete work on COUNTER database and viewing in Tableau ​   //some progress// 
-  * Review CATF report recommendations and implement as able    //in progress// 
-  * Work with Access Services on strategies to unite under the Content & Discovery division ​   //in progress// 
-**Acquisitions Unit Goals** 
-  * Complete implementation of CORAL. ​ 
-    * CORAL 2.0 implementation. 
-    * Add e-journal package title-level records. 
-    * Complete development of database API for CMS. 
-  * Staff Development 
-    * Expand dbhelp participants. 
-    * Increase copy cataloging responsibilities. 
-  * Identify potential cancellations through a review of database subscriptions. 
-  * Implement new discretionary allocations to selectors - redefine pool of selectors. 
-  * Implement new 5C Gobi approval plan. 
-  * Implement ARES workflow for Reserves ordering. 
-  * Develop ABEL bindery reporting. 
-**Discovery & Resource Management Systems Unit Goals** 
-  * Streamline Aleph authorizations (e.g. 15 to 4). Currently, individuals have multiple logins, and this will provide them with one login. //in progress// 
-  * Aleph Data clean-up: Identify data entry issues that create data problems as a pre-emptive step towards preparing for migration. //​restarting//​ 
-  * Implement EDS. Continue enhancement efforts. Train staff, "train the trainers"​. Conduct a follow up a summer 2017 and Spring 2018 usability test. //in process// 
-  * CORAL/​SFX/​Aleph/​website database list name normalization. //in progress// 
-  * CORAL licensing Information to display in SFX. //in progress// 
-**Metadata Unit Goals** 
-  * Collaborate with SCUA to catalog hidden collections 
-  * Convert EAD and UMarmot records to MARC records and batch upload records to OCLC and Aleph 
-  * Clear up gifts backlog - books and DVDs 
-  * Assist with upcoming material transfer projects 
-**__FY17 Goals__**\\ 
-**IRM Departmental Goals** 
-  * Hire a new Metadata Librarian and replace ILS/DRMS Unit Coordinator. Hire temporary cataloger for Quaker gift monographs. 
-    * Temporary cataloger hired, starting August, 2016. //​complete//​ 
-    * Updated job descriptions & ads to Admin. //​complete//​ 
-    * Form search committee and conduct search. //​complete//​ 
-    * Hire and provide on-boarding.//​complete//​ 
-  * By July 1st, 2017, implement a revised departmental structure that addresses evolving workflows in technical services and directly supports the teaching, learning and research missions of the library and the university. //​complete//​ 
-    * Continue documentation of workflows. //​complete//​ 
-    * Conduct card-sort activity. //​complete//​ 
-    * Develop possible reorganization scenarios and select best one. //​complete//​ 
-    * Determine staffing and training needs and put those in place. //​complete//​ 
-    * Implement new structure. //​complete//​ 
-  * Establish a policy and review workflows for e-resource MARC record batch loads. //​complete//​ 
-  * Develop a projects page with a submission form.//​complete//​ 
-  * Move from print to electronic bookplates. //​complete//​ 
-  * Implement a program of selector/​liaison workshops on resource acquisitions/​renewals/​resource evaluation tools/ usability testing results. //moved forward// 
-  * Marketing of IRM department. //​complete//​ 
-**Acquisitions Unit Goals** 
-  * Integrate converted MMT position as ACQ electronic resource specialist. //​complete//​ 
-  * Complete implementation of CORAL. //​complete//​ 
-    * Complete TERMS tool with license expressions.//​complete//​ 
-    * Add e-journal subscription records to Resources. //​complete//​ 
-    * Implement Statistics section. //moved forward to IRM goal// 
-  * Identify potential cancellations through comprehensive review of journal resources. //​complete//​ 
-  * Determine e-journal title perpetual access guidelines and process for maintaining records. //​complete//​ 
-  * Develop, produce and promote web page of proxy bookmarklets for common browsers. //​complete//​ 
-  * Complete processing of Rudman Collection. //​complete//​ 
-  * Develop and  implement bindery pull slip generation. //​complete//​ 
-  * Complete transfer of bindery processing responsibility. //​complete//​ 
-**Discovery & Resource Management Systems Unit** 
-  * 5C billing: Automate exchange of billing information for circulation units within the 5 Colleges. //moved forward// 
-  * Streamline Aleph authorizations (e.g. 15 to 4). Currently, individuals have multiple logins, and this will provide them with one login. //moved forward// 
-  * Promote little-used Aleph features, like My Folder and Shelf Browse. //​complete//​ 
-  * Data clean-up: Identify data entry issues that create data problems as a pre-emptive step towards preparing for migration. //moved forward// 
-  * Implement EDS. Beta test EDS for discovery, including implementing usability testing of discovery and related platforms. //moved forward// 
-  * Review and update LibWire Help Forms. //​complete//​ 
-**Metadata Unit Goals** 
-  * Start reviewing authority error reports supplied by Backstage and correcting headings. //​complete//​ 
-  * Bring gift cataloging backlog up-to-date. //​complete//​ 
-  * Streamline process for receiving shelf-ready books (batch). //​complete//​ 
-  * Complete review of Silver Plus records. //​complete//​ 
-  * Hire and onboard metadata librarian //​complete//​ 
-  * Implement Bibnote? (assign as a project for the new metadata librarian?​)//​on hold// 
-  * __Convert all EAD records for SCUA Collections to MARC (assign as a project for the new metadata librarian)//​pending//​__ 
-  * __Clean up ETD metadata in ScholarWorks (assign as a project for the new metadata librarian)//​pending//​__ 
goals.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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