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holdings_statement_syntax_for_hol_records [2010/03/16 14:41]
holdings_statement_syntax_for_hol_records [2010/03/19 16:07]
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   - Holdings statements indicating gaps should be entered on one line only. Enter a space after each comma. ​ This assures that the text will wrap correctly in the OPAC display.   - Holdings statements indicating gaps should be entered on one line only. Enter a space after each comma. ​ This assures that the text will wrap correctly in the OPAC display.
-  - There is no need to add any more than the first and last number around a gap.  For the first example above, v.26 (1992)-v.29:​no.1-6 (1995), v.29:​no.8-12 (1995)-v.33 (1999) would be incorrect.+  - There is no need to add any more than the first and last number around a gap.  For the first example above, v.26 (1992)-v.29:​no.1-6 (1995), v.29:​no.8-12 (1995)-v.33 (1999) would be incorrect. ​ ​CORRECT FORM:  v.26 (1992)-v.29:​no.6 (1995), v.29:no.8 (1995)-v.33 (1999)
   - Frequency considerations. In this example, we know that the periodical is a monthly. ​ If it had a greater frequency or was irregular (frequency unknown), the holdings would be expressed as v.26 (1992)-v.29:​no.6 (1995), v.29:​no.8-12 (1995), v.30 (1996)-v.33 (1999)   - Frequency considerations. In this example, we know that the periodical is a monthly. ​ If it had a greater frequency or was irregular (frequency unknown), the holdings would be expressed as v.26 (1992)-v.29:​no.6 (1995), v.29:​no.8-12 (1995), v.30 (1996)-v.33 (1999)
   - Where there is a combined year, we repeat the combination after every number in the incomplete statement, even though it may be more literally accurate not to do this: v.3:no.1 (1941/​1942),​ v.3:no.3-6 (1941/​1942),​ versus v.3:no.1 (1941), v.3:no.3-6 (1942). ​ Following the latter procedure would entail too much labor-intensive checking of individual volumes.   - Where there is a combined year, we repeat the combination after every number in the incomplete statement, even though it may be more literally accurate not to do this: v.3:no.1 (1941/​1942),​ v.3:no.3-6 (1941/​1942),​ versus v.3:no.1 (1941), v.3:no.3-6 (1942). ​ Following the latter procedure would entail too much labor-intensive checking of individual volumes.
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