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lockss_setup [2012/05/24 19:59]
lockss_setup [2019/01/07 17:20]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Setup for LOCKSS linking ====== 
-==== Proxy Config Entry ==== 
-  *   T LOCKSS 
-  *   U http://​sskcol001.library.umass.edu:​8082 
-  *   DJ umass.edu 
-==== LOCKSS Admin Changes ==== 
-=== Under Content Control === 
-  * Entered IP address of SFX server into the "allow access"​ section 
-===  Under Content Access Option === 
-  * Checked "​Enable Content Server"​ and added the "​public"​ port 8082 
-    ​ 
-==== SFX Steps ==== 
-  * Because a file was missing from the correct directory in SFX: Copied get_target_name_LOCKSS.tmpl from /​templates/​sfxmenu/​services to /​templates/​simplified_template1/​services 
-  * Used the dataloader with the file prepared as below to activate titles 
-  * Activated target and target service using our usual procedures. ​ 
-  * Used menu display logic to have target show only if user is coming from OPAC or EJournal List or there is no other fulltext option. 
-==== Preparing a LOCKSS dataloader file for SFX ==== 
-  * Retrieve a file of LOCKSS collected titles in .csv format from http://​sskcol001.library.umass.edu:​8081 
-  * Open desktop PERL environment shortcut. Click run in warning box. 
-  * Paste in script if not saved. As of this writing the script for creating a LOCKSS SFX target dataloader file from the LOCKSS box KBART output is called: 
-          **Create_LOCKSS_threshold_2.pl 
-  * Place LOCKSS collected titles file into same directory on your workstation as the PERL environment. Rename if desired (but keep .csv extension). 
-  * Edit displayed script to include name of .csv input file. Edit OUT filename in script also if desired. Save. 
-  * Click run. Output file should be saved by the script to the directory where the environment resides. 
-  * Output file is tab delimited text. Open in Excel to add ACTIVE column if needed before using SFX dataloader. 
lockss_setup.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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