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oca_cataloging_procedures [2010/02/16 16:18]
oca_cataloging_procedures [2015/05/13 18:36]
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-Cataloging OCA materials: 
-Completed picklists are located at W:\Open Content Alliance\Pick lists\Completed picklists. ​ Create a separate record for the electronic version of the resource by copying the record for the print version of the resource. ​ Download the record from ALEPH, and save it in the local save file (T:​\oclcapps\Connexion\OCA_080108.bib.db) on Connexion. ​ Then add the following to the new record: 
-1. 006 (additional characteristics fixed field) for computer files/​electronic resources byte 00 = m and byte 09 = d  [be careful that field does not contain ​ carets] 
-2. 007 (physical description fixed field) for electronic resource byte 00 = c; byte 01 = r; byte 03 = u; byte 04 = u; byte 05 = u.  [Note: ​ byte 2 is not used, should be blank space] 
-3. 008 (fixed field) byte 23 = s 
-4. 008/17 (Encoding Level) = K 
-5.      008/​38 ​ MRec  Modified Record: Should always be blank 
-6.      008/39 Srce  Cataloging Source: Should always be coded with a d 
-7.      040  Cataloging Source: The original 040 from the print record should be removed 
-and replaced with a new 040 field with a value of AUM $c AUM 
-8.      042:  Remove all 042 fields 
-9.      1xx fields (100, 110, 111, and 130): For all 1xx fields remove the second 
-indicator and leave blank 
-5. 245 subfield h = [electronic resource] 
-6. 533 for reproduction note: |a Electronic reproduction. |b Boston, 
-Mass. |b San Francisco, Calif. : |c Open Content Alliance. |d 2008. |n Scanned as part of the Boston Library Consortium OCA Digitization Project by the UMass Amherst Libraries. |n Available in DjVu, PDF, black & white PDF, Flipbook, and .txt formats. ​ Add ǂ5 AUM 
-7. 538 field: ​ Mode of access: ​ World Wide Web, through the Internet Archive website. Add ǂ5 AUM 
-8. 500 field: ​ "Open access version available online through the Boston Library Consortium/​UMass Amherst Open Content Alliance Project."​ Add ǂ5 AUM 
-9. 710 ​ 2 author added entry -- Open Content Alliance. Add ǂ5 AUM 
-10. 710 ​ 2 author added entry – Internet Archive (Firm) Add ǂ5 AUM 
-11. 710 ​ 2 author added entry – Boston Library Consortium OCA Digitization Project. Add ǂ5 AUM 
-12. 7761 |c Original |w (OCoLC)10084686. 
-In this field there is no ocm between (OCoLC) and the number. 
-13. Delete fields: 010, 050, 090, 035, 910, 928, 930 
-14. Add 910 field: ​ OCA 
-Item record: 
-1. Code the material type for ebook or ejournal 
-2. Item status: 04 Internet 
-3. Add new Item Statistic field = OCA Scan 
-Holdings record: 
-1. 852 generic UWW location 
-2. 856 for URLs with a subfield 3 note with volume information for serials or multi-volume titles (ex. v.1:), and a subfield z with the note “Connect to this title” 
-Test whether you can add a 949 for local information in records and add the records to OCLC without losing the local data.  Load as K level records. 
-Record for Print version: 
-1. Add a 530 note:  Do not add this field to the records for the electronic versions. ​ Add 530 notes to the all of the records for the print versions which say “Also available online through the Boston Library Consortium/​UMass Amherst Open Content Alliance Project."​ 
-* Note about serials: 
-If a serial title has too many URLs (#?) to reasonably add to the holdings record, a cataloger (MB) will add separate item records for each volume or issue with URLs and volume/​issue information. ​  In these cases, a public note will be put in the Holdings record, saying “See below to link to individual volumes.” 
- --- //​[[ghough@library.umass.edu|Gary Hough]] 2009/04/29 13:20// 
oca_cataloging_procedures.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/02 20:09 by jeustis
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