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patent_and_trademark_cataloging [2015/03/10 16:11]
patent_and_trademark_cataloging [2015/05/13 18:36]
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-UMass Libraries is a Patent and Trademark Depository Library. ​ 
-For a description of the program and supporting collection see the Library'​s Patents and Trademarks subject page: [[http://​guides.library.umass.edu/​patents]] 
-Most of the collection supporting the program is already cataloged. The most critical materials are (and should be) cataloged to Reference Collection at the Science and Engineering Library (SEL). Paulina Borrego is the Library'​s patents and trademark specialist. Other materials of a general nature are cataloged to the W.E.B. Du Bois Library. ​ 
-Paulina Borrego receives all new patent and trademark materials, and determines which should be cataloged and added to the Library'​s collection. She then gives them to Cindy Spell to catalog. ​ 
-Any patent and trademark materials not received directly by Paulina Borrego should be sent to her at SEL for review. Check with her also to determine whether items should be cataloged to SEL Reference or to SEL/Du Bois general collections. 
-Most patent and trademark materials have the classification number: T223 or KF3100+ if they deal with legal aspects. ​ 
-Special aspects pf patent and trademark cd and dvd roms (under construction) 
-Material type: CD-ROMs plus DVD-ROMs, although called CD-ROM. SEL wants one accession for all cd-roms and dvd-roms so they can all file in the Science CD-ROM Cabinet. ​ 
-Background: The cd-roms from the former Physical Sciences and Engineering Library (Phys.Sci. Perm Reserve) and the Morrill Biological Sciences Library Perm Reserve were integrated in 2004 when the 2 libraries merged. The Phys.Sci. scheme was kept because it had the most cd-roms. The dvd-rom accession numbers were formerly used for Phys.Sci. patent and trademark sets. These sets were transferred to Gov Docs in 2004 and then to Basement Storage in 2012. For more information ask Cindy Spell (cls) 
-Contact person: Cindy Spell 
patent_and_trademark_cataloging.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/08 14:08 by annk
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