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wiki_documentation_master_list [2009/11/20 17:55]
wiki_documentation_master_list [2019/01/07 17:20]
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-====== Wiki Documentation Master List ====== 
-**Note:** this is a very rough list, and a working document. Please feel free to add, re-order or otherwise organize this list. If you delete something, please be sure you've done so either because the content has been covered elsewhere, or because it's been added to the wiki as a working file. 
-**Another note:** the intent is that each item listed with also note who is responsible for creating/​managing it, it's readiness, and it's priority. 
-Receiving Manual (45 documents) – J. Rohan 
-Checking-in Manual (26 documents) – J. Rohan 
-Ordering Manual (11 documents) – J. Rohan 
-Invoicing (2 documents) – J. Rohan, J. Bagjier, H. Deirdre 
-Bindery Manual – G. Hough 
-Preservation and book repair documentation – L. James 
-Water Disaster Manual – L. James 
-Student supervision documentation,​ Kronos, attendance – Link to Libwire 
-Verde Project Plan and Implementation Notes - C. Turner 
-Aleph order groups (.xls from LHButton, 3/12/08) - S. Stangroom 
-Notes on Selector Credits, Desiderata List – C. Turner 
-Writing Center 
-Davis Collection 
-Reserves materials 
-Call number info 
-Marc bib record info 
-Video cataloging and processing 
-Microforms cataloging and processing 
-Music materials: ​ cataloging, end processing 
-Gifts and gift plates 
-Added copies 
-Added volumes 
-Transfers (De-Refs, etc.) 
-Bindery procedures (monographs and serials) – N. Washburn 
-End processing instructions for various kinds of materials – J. Miles 
-Guidelines for determining added copy vs. different edition 
-Electronic resource cataloging 
-How to copy a bib from Four Colleges - C. Turner 
-Electronic version also available (monographs) 
-Authority control 
-Series instructions 
-streamlined cataloging 
-Maps cataloging internet resources - C. Spell 
-Collection development policy ​ 
-Gifts policy 
-Invoice processing (general) 
-Invoice processing (ILL) 
-Budget reconciliation – S. Stangroom 
-Aleph EDI processing 
-Subject selector (and their respective LC areas of responsibilities) documentation 
-===== Serials cataloging workflows (currently rewritten for Aleph): ===== 
-  ​ 
-Reporting URL’s contained in newly-cataloged print records to eleres@library.umass.edu 
-Reporting irregularities in SFX records to dbhelp@library.umass.edu 
-===== SFX Documentation ===== 
-  * List of eresource purchases to which we should have perpetual access (with or without small access fees?) 
-===== Other workflow documentation:​ ===== 
-  * Cat seps and ser anals 
-  * Discards/​discard decision file 
-  * CD-ROM/​DVD/​microfilm/​microfiche/​other media serials ​ 
-  * Government documents ​ 
-  * Reactivations ​ 
-  * Sers to pers/pers to sers  
-  * Current newspapers and magazines list – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Uncats 
-    * Rush materials workflow 
-===== Useful information for Serials processing in Aleph/Aleph information:​ ===== 
-  * Instructions for X-links: ​ types of X-links, examples – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Instructions for item global changes - L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Instructions RE enum. levels and chron. levels governing the sorting display of items – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Aleph codes & command language (material type, item, item processing etc.), sort tables (*upload* material?) 
-  * Using the Aleph cataloging GUI (search, edit, create, delete, overlay records) 
-===== Working with OCLC: ===== 
-  * Exporting and overlaying records (instructions for recon and recon-recats) – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Instructions for creating/​maintaining LHR’s per our local policy – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Documentation regarding Marc 21 Format for Holdings Records, ANSI/NISO etc. (*upload* material?) – L. deGozzaldi 
-===== Depository ===== 
-  * Basic instructions for transferring holdings to the FCD (on the system): – L. deGozzaldi 
---Sending our entire holdings under one title 
---Sending partial holdings for one title. 
---JSTOR versus non-JSTOR 
---Titles with holdings in UMDPT (UMass DP) and FCDPT (Five Colleges DP). 
-  * Physical preparation of volumes (packing slips etc.) 
-  * Documentation from the Five Colleges Depository committee (*upload* material?) 
-===== Linking ===== 
-  * Basic instructions,​ step-by-step – L. deGozzaldi, Catherine Knapp, and Marcelle Lipke 
---Holdings statement syntax in HOL records 
---Item manipulation (description syntax, arriving items, global changes, enum. and chron. levels) 
---Correct placement of barcode 
-  * Processing “on-the-fly” items – L. deGozzaldi, Catherine Knapp, and Marcelle Lipke 
-===== Special Projects (i.e. the 2008 retrospective linking project) ===== 
-  * Specific information regarding such projects, such as use of wireless laptops and passwords. 
-  * Database maintenance projects in ALEPH 
-===== Miscellaneous:​ ===== 
-  * Recording statistics 
-  * Using ARC in conjunction with Serials or Special Projects workflow. 
-  * Serials checklists for checking new Aleph service pack loads – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * Macro Express instructions 
-  * Templates for forms we commonly use 
-        (for statistics, serials processing, etc.) 
-===== "​Upload"​ documents—large lists of information which we frequently use, and are found on the R drive: ===== 
-  * Cheknotes documents (containing instructions from Innopac checkin records truncated in Aleph) – L. deGozzaldi 
-  * CHECKIN documents (containing information from the Innopac checkin boxes) – L. deGozzaldi 
-===== Cheat sheet" category (1-page quick reference guides), for topics where this might be useful? ===== 
-How to move order records? 
-List of order record status codes 
- --- //​[[cturner@library.umass.edu|Primary contact: Christine Turner]]// 
wiki_documentation_master_list.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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