=====This PAGE IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY===== **Separate record policy for free electronic resources** When cataloging a print item that has a free electronic version listed in some way on the print bib, find a record for the electronic version on OCLC (or in SFX for serials) and export it to Aleph. If there is no free electronic version indicated on the print bib it is not necessary to search for one. This applies to all materials cataloged - serials, gov docs, monos, FastCat, Promptcat, etc. **Instructions:** For serials check SFX first to see if a MARCIt record is available For monos, find a record on OCLC Check record according to FastCat principles http://wws.library.umass.edu/wikis/acp/doku.php?id=fastcat_instructions Also make sure to check: That form in the fixed fields is coded with either an ‘o’ or an ‘s’ There is a 245 $h [electronic resource] Export record to Aleph Bring up record in Aleph Delete all 856 fields from the bib Add 910 Make sure OCLC holdings are set on record in Connexion Add item and holdings records: First add item record No barcode (obviously) Sublibrary: UMDUB Collection: UWWW Material type: Choose ebook, ejournal, online database, or website whichever seems to fit the best – most of these will probably be ebooks or ejournals Item status: 04 Internet Then add holdings record: Delete subfields with call number Cut and paste URL into an 856 field with indicators 40 and subfield u Create a subfield z, then add this text: Connect to this title For more information, there are instructions for cataloging free internet resources on the wiki at: http://wws.library.umass.edu/wikis/acp/doku.php?id=free_internet_resources_cataloging Count stats for electronic resources on the "Statistics Sheet for Media and E-Resources."