====== Serials Workflow: Creation & Maintenance of Local Holding Records (LHRs) in OCLC ====== //Revised July 2020// ===== Outline of Automated Process ===== **For print serial/periodical holdings per local policy** NOTE: Do not make any modifications of LHRs in OCLC. This is done by the automated process approximately every quarter. Only holdings statements in Aleph should be updated and maintained to reflect current library holdings. Follow the instructions on [[serials_workflow_holdings_records|Holdings Records]] to construct holdings statements for print serials. - Connect to FCL60 in Aleph. - Go to Search. - Click on “Multi-base CCL Search”. - Select FCL60 (Holdings). - Search for UMass holdings (wow=um). - You can also add a search for not sta=suppressed (though this doesn't always work). - You can add a date range to this query as in wupd=20180901→20190901. - Cross the search results. - Save the final set. - Go to Services/Retrieve Catalog Records - ret-01. Use name to save final crossed set, provide an output file name, tag=866##, Library=FCL60, Process to create=04. - Review batch log and once this process is finished. - Go to Services/Retrieve Catalog Records/Download Machine Readable Records. Use name from output file in ret-01, provide an output file name with .mrc extension, field 1: ALL, format=MARC with alphanumeric tags, Fix routine: LHR, Expand routine: LHR. - Download .mrc file. - Once that file has been downloaded, it is necessary to clean it up. Remove any suppressed records. For this you might need to double check the bib sys numbers against this file as the suppressed status was not always added to the holdings record. Check the encoding of the records. - Rename the final .mrc file so that 7 collection is followed by our OCLC symbol and a unique file name as follows 1023404.AUM.lhrupdates[dateOfUpload].mrc. - Upload this into the 1023404 data sync collection in Worldshare Management Services (Collection Manager). - Wait for the review file to return. - Download the review file from Worldshare Management Services. - Fix any errors. --- //[[jeustis@umass.edu|Contact: Jennifer Eustis]]//