Table of Contents

Faculty Writing Place - Cataloging & Processing

Bib Record

Edit or prepare bib record as usual.

Item Record

(Remember to press UPDATE after filling in all these fields!)

Holdings Record

Link to existing holdings record or create new holdings record, depending on situation.

Added Copies

Items going to the Faculty Writing Place are considered to be Du Bois stacks copies that happen to be shelved in a different place, so if we already have a copy in the stacks, make this one copy 2. If we receive 2 copies, one for the stacks and one for the Faculty Writing Place, they will be copy 1 and copy 2. If, after putting a title in the Faculty Writing Place, we get a copy for the stacks, it will be copy 2. However, any copies in the Science Library (ISEL) are D/Ds and have their own range of copy numbers.

End Processing

Checkout & Delivery

Note: Faculty Writing Place is currently in Room 1602.

Primary contact: Julie Miles