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checklist_requesting_new_aleph_collections [2019/04/23 14:02]
mbanach created
— (current)
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-====== Collection code ====== 
-**1.      Cataloging** : 
-a.      What is the purpose of this new location? ​ Where is it housed? How will the items be used  ?  For example cover records for electronic items or a separate collection for all patrons to user. 
-b.      What kind of material is contained in the collection is it?  print items, electronic items, ​  DVDs, media, equipment? 
-c.       By what name do you want the collection to appear in discovery apps ( EDS, Aleph OPAC ) 
-**2.      Processing:​** 
-a.      What kind of processing do these items need?  Separate spine labels, DVD labels - cases? 
-b.      How are these items accessed? 
-**3.      Circulation:​** 
-a.      How do these items circulate? ​ To which category of users? ​ Are there any users that do not have access? ​ Example: Cameras circulate to UM students only. 
-b.      What kind of loan period should they have? 
-c.       What kind of notices? 
-d.      Are they requestable?​ 
-e.      What kind of billing? ​ Fines? replacement bills? ​ Do they use the default replacement charges or are they individually priced? 
-f.       Do they need a separate check out/in procedure such are laptops? 
-**4.      Maintenance** 
-a.      Are they maintained by Stacks Management or by staff at their location? 
-b.      How are they replaced? 
-To create the collections all the absolute minimum information needed is where it is house (what sublibrary does it belong to ) and the expected name. BUT…this does not always work out.  There are often other kinds of expectations that are requested LATER which causes “clean- up work”. 
checklist_requesting_new_aleph_collections.1556028153.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/23 14:02 by mbanach
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