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e-journal_holdings_for_ill [2017/04/05 13:50]
cknapp [RAPID and IDS Project]
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-====== Generating the E-Journal Holdings File for ILL RAPID, IDS Project and Browzine ====== 
-===== RAPID and IDS Project ===== 
-* see new script, /​exlibris/​sfx_ver/​sfx4_1/​umass3/​home/​export_ejournal_rapid_ids,​ which substitutes for steps 1) - 6) below (eventually to be run as cron job) - step 7), for the time being, must still be run 
-We upload an SFX export file of our e-journal holdings to RAPID for integration with the software and workflow. The file is generated on a **quarterly** basis (January, April, July, October) or as needed. It includes all SFX serials targets with paid content which may be lent; check with ERM staff to determine any currently problematic targets which should be left off the list.  
-To generate the file: 
-1. In SFX Admin Center, under KBTools, select Export Tools and Advanced Export Queries (this is the second tab). 
-2. Choose these settings:  ​ 
-  * output format is TXT;  
-  * object type is Serials; 
-  * there is no additional export file to use -leave blank; ​ 
-  * active portfolio service is getFullTxt;  ​ 
-  * export from SPECIFIC targets - See R/​S:​\Acquisitions\Electronic Resources Projects\Licensing\ILL_Lending_Rights.xlsx for targets to exclude which are labeled DO NOT LEND 
-  * uncheck "​Include Author Info" box  
-  * use the default Simplified Chinese title and  ​ 
-  * “Submit”. 
-  * Choose Advanced Export Profile 
-  * Edit according to target activations/​de-activations file maintained by Catherine in R\S:​\DRMS\SFX\SFX sort services config 
-3. When file is generated, save. Open Excel and then open the file. Using the Text Import Wizard, Step 1, choose data type Delimited and file origin: 65001 : Unicode (UTF – 8) to maintain the diacritics from SFX. Proceed through the following two steps of the wizard using the defaults. 
-4. Many columns of data are included in the SFX export file. Working from right to left, delete all except: 
-  * Active threshold (PERL version) (column q in the output file) 
-  * E ISSN (column h) 
-  * Target (usually equals or includes publisher) (column f)  
-  * Print ISSN (column d) 
-  * Title (column b) 
-5. Save the file with the date generated, e.g. ILL_0412.xlsx,​ to S:​\Acquisitions\Electronic Resources Projects\ILL holdings lists. 
-6. Log into RAPID at [[https://​rapid2.library.colostate.edu/​Holdings]] and follow the upload instructions: ​ 
-(Holdings Format? Journals, ...electronic e-journal file...? SFX, Holdings Type? Electronic, File Type? Excel) ​ 
-[[http://​coral.library.umass.edu/​umacoral/​organizations/​orgDetail.php?​organizationID=662|Login credentials]] are in CORAL organization record under Accounts. 
-7. Put file for IDS Project in the [[https://​drive.google.com/​drive/​folders/​0B7Jca5YMpN9NQkJBX2xIUGFOQ0k|Google Folder]]. 
-(contact: William Jones, jonesw@geneseo.edu) 
-==== Browzine ==== 
-We upload an SFX export file of our e-journal holdings to Browzine on a **quarterly** basis (January, April, July, October) or as needed. It includes all SFX serials targets. 
-1. Login to SFX as above and choose Advanced Export Profiles, select the option for "​Browzine_Holdings"​ and "​Submit"​ 
-2. Zip the file and save to S:​\Acquisitions\Electronic Resources Projects\Browzine 
-3. Upload the file to [[http://​thirdiron.com/​upload/​]] 
-Complete information is available at [[http://​support.thirdiron.com/​knowledgebase/​articles/​134554-how-to-use-your-sfx-holdings-with-browzine]] 
-(contact: support@thirdiron.com) 
---- //​[[cturner@library.umass.edu|Primary contact: Christine Turner]]// 
e-journal_holdings_for_ill.1491400225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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