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stamping_volumes [2015/05/13 18:36]
stamping_volumes [2019/01/07 17:20] (current)
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 +====== Stamping Volumes ======
 +In order to have the words "​UMASS/​Amherst Library"​ appear on each item
 +in the library, stamp each item with a rubber stamp called an ownership
 +stamp, identification stamp, ID stamp, or property stamp. Use a black
 +Stamp the top edge and the fore edge of each volume. (It doesn'​t matter
 +which way the printing faces.) There are two sizes of stamp: choose the
 +largest one which will fit the edge of the book.
 +If there are any loose maps or parts in a pocket, stamp each loose piece
 +with the smallest stamp. If possible, stamp in a blank space on the upper
 +right corner of the piece as it is placed in its pocket. If there is no
 +blank space there, find a blank space, such as near the legend or on the
 +unprinted border or on the verso (reverse side) of the piece.
 +If the book is too thin to be stamped on the edges, then use the smallest
 +rubber stamp to stamp the outside cover in the upper right hand corner and
 +also stamp the verso (reverse side) of the title page, in the upper left
 +corner or in a blank space. Never stamp the title page! (See Fig. 4.4)
 +When a book is too thin to be stamped on the edges, but its cover is too
 +shiny to absorb the stamp'​s ink, type UMASS/​Amherst Library on a
 +label, cut off the excess white space, and apply the label to the upper
 +right corner of the front cover. Also stamp the verso of the title page, as
 +in the paragraph above. ​
 + --- //​[[lfish@library.umass.edu|Linda Fish]] 2009/05/14 11:25//
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