IRM Evolving Workflows
IRM Workflow Review Task Force Final Report
Prioritizing and Planning
Workflows Template
IRM Organization Chart 2015 (historical)
IRM Organization Chart 2017 (new)
IRM Major Unit Activities 2017
IRM Personnel Chart 2017

The IRM Department has experienced significant changes in the last few years due to numerous factors: changing user expectations, retirements, the shift from print to electronic resources, new formats and new kinds of resources, and enhanced management tools. IRM has engaged in ongoing assessment and revision of many workflows to adapt to these changes, more as triage than as a defined plan of action.

In 2014, the IRM Workflow Review Task Force released a report that included an environmental scan of peer institutions, survey results from internal surveys, and recommendations on how to move forward. In 2016 and beyond, we will build on the work of the Task Force in conjunction with supporting the Libraries Three-Year Plans. Specifically, we will develop, advance and engage in processes that allow our staff to support critical workflows, utilize current skill sets and acquire new skills necessary to build, provide access to, and maintain our scholarly collections.

Evolving Workflows Action Plan:

Proposed Timeline:

Additional Resources:

Organization design and restructuring teams... a thinkpiece

What is Organization Design?

Dan Pink: Drive -- The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Video Review for What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith