Calder's Circus

Calder's Circus is a complex, multi-part work with multiple iterations. The whole of the work is authoritatively called Calder's Circus (see the Whitney Museum site's object record), but it is made up of many smaller works with their own names.

When cataloging images of the Circus in Luna, please use the Whitney Museum catalog, which includes measurements and materials for pictured works in the captions, and follow this model (201507507):

Title: Cowboy
Title: Cowgirl
Title: Horse

View description: full view of Cowgirl on Horse and Cowboy with lasso (a less explicit description is ok too)
View type: general view

Relation: Calder's Circus / Alexander Calder. 1926-1931.
Relation type: part of

When cataloging historic photographs of the Circus, please include a relationship:

Relation: Calder's Circus / Alexander Calder. 1926-1931.
Relation type: depicts

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