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Greek Chronology

Bronze Age/Aegean periods (Crete, Cycladic Islands, Greek mainland)

Crete (Minoan culture)

Early Minoan I – ca. 3100/3000-2700/2650 BCE Early Minoan II – ca. 2700/2650-2150 BCE Early Minoan III – ca. 2150-2050/2000 BCE Middle Minoan IA – ca.2050/2000-2000/1950 BCE Middle Minoan IB – ca. 2000/1950-1900/1850 BCE Middle Minoan II – ca. 1900/1850-1750-1720 BCE Middle Minoan III – ca. 1750/1720-1700/1675 BCE Late Minoan IA – ca. 1675-1600 BCE (or ca.1550-1500 BCE) Late Minoan IB – ca. 1600-1500 BCE (or ca. 1500-1450 BCE) Late Minoan II – ca. 1500-1450 BCE (or ca.1450-1415 BCE) Late Minoan IIIA – ca. 1450-1340 BCE (or ca. 1415-1340 BCE) Late Minoan IIIB – ca. 1340-1190 BCE Late Minoan IIIC – ca. 1190-1125/1100 BCE Cyclades (Cycladic culture) Early Cycladic I (Grotta-Pelos culture) – ca. 3100/3000-2650 BCE Early Cycladic II (Keros-Syros culture) – ca.2650-2450/2400 BCE Early Cycladic IIB or IIIA (Kastri Group culture) – ca.2450/2400-2200/2150 BCE Early Cycladic III – ca. 2200/2150-2050/2000 BCE Early Cycladic IIIB or Middle Cycladic I (Phylakopi I culture) – ca.2050/2000-1900/1850 BCE

Mainland Greece (Helladic culture for Early and Middle periods, Mycenaean for Late periods) Early Helladic I (Eutresis culture) – ca. 3100/3000-2650 BCE Early Helladic IIA (Korakou culture) – ca. 2650-2200/2150 BCE Early Helladic IIB (Lefkandi I culture) – ca.2450/2400-2200/2150 BCE Early Helladic III (Tiryns culture) – ca.2200/2150-2050/2000 BCE Middle Helladic I –ca.2050/2000-1900 BCE Middle Helladic II – ca. 2000/1900-1800 BCE (or ca.1900-1700 BCE) Middle Helladic III – ca. 1800-1700/1675 BCE (or ca.1700-1575/1550 BCE) Late Helladic I-IIA - ca. 1675/1650-1490/1470 BCE Late Helladic IIB-IIIA1 - ca. 1490/1470-1390/1370 BCE Late Helladic IIIA2-B - ca. 1390/1370-1190 BCE Late Helladic IIIC - ca. 1190-1050 BCE

Proto-Geometric Period (ca. 1000-900 BCE) Proto-Geometric vase-painting: black bands, some compass-drawn circles

Geometric Period (ca. 900-700 BCE) ca. 900-850 Early Geometric vase-painting: less black, more space, more circles ca. 850-760 Middle Geometric vase-painting: meander patterns, pyxides & horse-handles ca. 760-700 Late Geometric vase-painting: free use of human figures and animals, Dipylon amphorae

Orientalizing Period (ca. 725-650 BCE) Proto-Corinthian pottery & Proto-Attic pottery (ca.710-610 BCE) Black-figure starts in Corinth ca. 720, flourishes in Athens (Attic) by 600 Small metal objects – griffin heads (protomes), cauldrons, tripods, animals, etc

Archaic Period (ca. 650-480 BCE) Early Archaic (ca.650-580 BCE) Middle Archaic (ca. 580-535 BCE) Late Archaic (ca. 535-480 BCE)

pottery: Corinthian style, Black-figure style in Athens , then Red-figure begins ca.520 sculpture: kouroi & korai

Classical Period

Early Classical/Severe (ca. 480-450 BCE)
High Classical (ca. 450-400 BCE)

Late Classical/4th century (ca. 400-330 BCE)

Periklean Building Program on the Akropolis 449-444 - Hephaisteion 447-438/432 - Parthenon (metopes, 447-443; frieze, 442-438; pediments, 438-432, dedicated 438) 437-432 - Propylaia by Mnesikles 427-424 - Temple of Athena Nike (balustrade from 409) 421/0, 409-406 - Erechtheion

Hellenistic Period

Early Hellenistic (ca.330-220 BCE)

High Hellenistic (ca. 220-150 BCE) Late Hellenistic (c. 150- 31 BCE)

228 Dying Gaul & Wife, Galatian monument by Attalos I 159-138 Stoa of Attalos II, Athens (reconstructed AD 1952) 150-125 Altar of Zeus, Pergamum

Roman Period begins at different times throughout the Mediterranean.



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Category: painting (visual work)

Category refid source: Getty AAT

Category refid: 300033618

Category: Furniture

Category refid source: Getty AAT

Category refid: 300037680

Category: numismatics

Category refid source: Getty AAT

Category refid: 300054419

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