This is an old revision of the document!

Added Copy or Edition? How to Decide

DRAFT in progress!!!!!

I. General information

This document is way too wordy. There are plans to rewrite it in simpler language!!!!

But here's the OLD text:

I. Use these guidelines to make local decisions on treating new materials as added copies (duplicates) or as separately cataloged, different editions in cases where the same title is already in the Library's collection. Compare the new work in hand with the information shown in our local cataloging record for the already existing title we own. Decisions on whether or not to use a given OCLC record are governed by detailed guidelines in OCLC's Bibliographic Formats and Standards and a local document “Cataloging Later Editions or Printings of a Previously Published Book.” (D5)

II. Specific Guidelines

An item is an added copy/duplicate to an existing title if the bibliographic description of the first one cataloged fits the new item acquired in all major aspects. Listed below are the areas which should be examined when making the added copy/different edition decision. One or more important variations in these areas normally indicates that a separate record should be created for the new item.

Author. Do not treat as a different edition on the basis of different choice or form of entry in the record.

Title. Do not treat as a different edition because of differences in judgment as to what constitutes title vs. subtitle information or differences resulting from use of cover title information vs. title page information. However, a difference in actual wording of title or subtitle may indicate that material has been revised.

[to be continued]

Primary contact: Julie Miles 2009/05/14 11:21

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