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(Aleph Workflow-Information Resources Management)
(Working Draft, 6/29/11)

Cross-linking: Bound-withs, title changes and ser anals.

Monographic bound-withs

In this case multiple monographic titles are bound together in a single physical volume. Each title will have its own bibliographic record, usually of “equal” hierarchical rank. “With notes” may be entered in the 501 fields of the bound-together bibs.

  1. A single item will represent the volume containing the two (or more) titles. Attach the item to the bib. record for the first title in the volume. Wand in the barcode from the volume.
  2. Enter a LKR field in the bib. record(s) for the second (and third and so on) title(s) contained in the volume.
  3. We use ITM links for bound-withs. The LKR field will consist of:
    • subfield a ITM
    • subfield b ADM number of the bib. record you’re linking to, i.e. the first title bound in the volume.
    • subfield l ADM to which the bib. record for the first title belongs: UMA50, DEP50, etc.
  4. If desired, after inserting a new field and entering LKR, you may “open form” by right-clicking or clicking Edit Actions above. This will bring up a form with empty fields that may be filled, as follows:
    • Link type - UP/PAR/ANA/ITM (a)=ITM
    • Sysno of the linked doc record (b)=the ADM# of the bib. where the item is found (i.e., the first title in the vol.)
    • Library where record is linked (l)=ADM of the bib. (for ITM links), i.e. UMA50, DEP50, etc.
  5. If only *one* item is involved, these three first subfields are the only ones required.

The LKR field will look like this: $a

Serial title changes

When a bound volume for a serial contains a title change, an ITM link is used to tie the bib. for the later title represented in the volume, to the bib. for the earlier one.

1. Determine whether item to be linked contains a title change. Look at the 362 in the bib. record, and compare it to the piece in hand.

Example: New England Farmer, SYS.# 2556027, OCLC# 7656388. The 362 field reads as follows: $a Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 3, 1822)-v. 13, no. 29 (Jan. 28, 1835). Bound volume 13 (which contains more than 29 nos.) changes titles in the middle.

2. Find the earlier or later title contained in the bound volume, by checking the 780 (earlier title) or 785 (later title) in the bib. record.

Example:  New England Farmer.  In this case, you want to find the record for the later title.  The 785 (later title) reads as follows:  $t New England farmer, and gardener’s journal $w (OCoLC)9208579.  Search the record by the OCLC number in $w.  If no OCLC number is present, search by title.

The 362 field of New England farmer, and gardener’s journal (SYS.# 3145796, OCLC# 9208579) reads: $a Vol. 13, no. 30 (Feb. 4, 1835)-v. 17, no. 29 (Jan. 23, 1839). NOTE: This record also indicates that vol. 13 splits in the middle. If you were looking at this record first, you would have to search the earlier title from the OCLC number in the 780.

3. Link the volume with the title change to the earlier title contained in the volume. In this example, v.13 1834-35 is linked to New England Farmer, the earlier title. It shows up in the staff mode under the item list of that record.

4. Enter a LKR field in the bib. record of the later title contained in the volume. To do this, go to the bib. record for the later title, hit F6 and type LKR into the blanks defining the field.

We use ITM links for title changes.  The LKR field will consist of:
       -	$a  ITM
       -	$b ADMIN number of the record you’re linking to, i.e. the earlier title.
     -	$l  The ADMIN module to which earlier title record belongs:  i.e. UMA50, AHM50, HAM50, MHC50, SMT50, etc.
     -	$v  Item identification. The first-level enumeration entry found in the 5. Serial Levels tab under Items List, for the specific item you want to link to.
     -	$y  Item identification alternative.  You can also use the first-level chronological entry to identify the item.
Example:  The LKR field in the bib. of New England farmer, and gardener’s journal reads as follows:  $aITM $b317629 $lUMA50 $v13 $y1834-35.  NOTE:  This LKR field includes both $v and $y.  You don’t really need both, as long as the one you use is unique to that item.

5. Check the OPAC view. The linked item will not show up in the staff-mode item list of the record containing the LKR field. To check that the link has worked, go to the bib. record of the later title, and hit Control-O. If you see the item under CLICK HERE FOR CALL NUMBERS AND AVAILABILITY (in this case, v.13 1834-35), you know it worked.

Following is a screen shot view of the LKR field:

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