This is an old revision of the document!
====== Procedures for Unsolicited and Unplanned Gifts ======
Receiving gifts
When a monographic gift item is first unpacked, keep any inserts/letters about the gift with the item and insert a Gift Routing Slip (see Susan Pease to obtain). Either give the item to Susan, or follow this procedure
Selectors should first check either “Add to Collection” or “Do Not Add to Collection.” Selector should place wanted volumes on either the “Gifts to be Kept” shelf or the “Priority Gifts” shelf. Unwanted volumes can be placed on the Better World Books shelf or discarded as the Selector deems appropriate.
Cataloging gifts
Since a gift can sit in a backlog for a long period of time, search Aleph to see if we have acquired the title separately in the meantime. If the volume is part of a numbered series, search Aleph again to see if we have the series title. If we do and the series record does not contain that particular series number, check with Susan Pease.
If we do not hold a particular title in Aleph, search in OCLC.
* If DLC/DLC or full cataloging copy is found, update our holdings in OCLC (F8 or Action → Update Holdings) then Export the record to Aleph. Catalog to Main Stacks or SEL as appropriate and add item record/holdings record as usual. Item Process Status should be PC and Statistics should be 02.
* If less-than-full cataloging copy is found (ELvl K, M, 3), update our holdings in OCLC then Export the record to Aleph. Create an item record with a barcode in General Information 1. In General Information 2, add the Internal Note: on Pending Gift Cats shelf in IRM. Place the volume on said shelf, which is behind Susan Pease.
If we do hold a particular title in Aleph:
* If the record is for a withdrawn copy, remove the SUPPRESSED field from the bib record and the Holdings record. Add a 910 field with your initials and date plus REINSTATED. Add the book in hand as an added copy. Process as usual.
* If the record is for an item which gets a lot of use, add the book in hand. If the item does not get a lot of use, place the book on the Better World shelf.
* If we have an electronic version of the book in hand, add the print copy to our collection with its own bib record.
Ser Anals, Contin Anals, Cat Seps, Contin Cat Seps:
If we do not hold a series title, search on OCLC. If a record is found for the series title and/or individual title for the book in hand, make a printout(s) to insert into the book and set it aside on the specified shelf in the Gifts Backlog for further work.
Questionable additions
Not all gifts have been Selected and not all are worth the time to do original cataloging or are not good additions to our collection. Examples are a Finnish language version of a popular 21st century English language novel or a publisher's proof edition of a fully published work. Put these on the specified shelf in the Gifts Backlog for further consideration.