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SEL Monographic Problems Procedure

General Problems

Karen Markham will send or confer with Susan Pease on any general problems with SEL books. Susan will communicate back to Karen to let her know that a problem has been received and when to expect the fix. Meghan Bergin is the resource person for both Susan or Karen for any difficulties or special situations/problems.

New Books

Karen Markham will confer with Susan Pease on problems with SEL books new books. Susan will communicate back to Karen to let her know that a problem has been received and when to expect the fix. Meghan Bergin is the resource person for both Susan or Karen for any difficulties or special situations/problems.

Transfers of Books

Karen Markham will confer with Susan Pease on problems or situations where SEL books need to be transferred to Du Bois. Susan will communicate back to Karen to let her know that a problem has been received and when to expect the fix. Meghan Bergin is the resource person for both Susan or Karen for any difficulties or special situations/problems.

??Karen (or Susan) will transfer books within SEL.

Karen will refer monographs that need to be transferred to the Depository or Annex to ?? or Lisa Persons.

Replacement Books

Karen Markham will confer with Marcel Lipke about replacement SEL books. Marcelle will communicate back to Karen to let her know that a problem has been received and when to expect the fix. Meghan Bergin is the resource person for both Marcelle or Karen for any difficulties or special situations/problems.

Books to be Withdrawn

Karen Markham will confer with Marcelle Lipke about SEL books that need to be withdrawn, including summer searches for missing books that are still missing after several searches and need to be withdrawn. Marcelle will communicate back to Karen to let her know that a problem has been received and when to expect the fix. Meghan Bergin is the resource person for both Marcelle or Karen for any difficulties or special situations/problems.

(Replacements) Withdrawn Books that are Returned

Karen Markham will confer with Marcelle Lipke about SEL replacement books.This situation mostly occurs when a patron has lost a book and brings in a replacement in lieu of paying for the book. Marcelle will communicate back to Karen to let her know that a problem has been received and when to expect the fix. Meghan Bergin is the resource person for both Marcelle or Karen for any difficulties or special situations/problems.

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