This is an old revision of the document!

Serials Links to Useful Information

This document includes links to useful information as follows:

Current Year Only Titles

Links to Excel spreadsheets of titles, currently received as of March, 2009, which are only retained for certain periods of time: 6 months, yearly, latest two years, etc.

Sorted by title

Sorted by LC call number

Notes from Innopac Checkin Records

Links to Excel spreadsheets containing instructional notes that were too large to migrate into Aleph. Especially useful for Law titles with “superseding volume” instructions.

Sorted by title

Sorted by OCLC number

Information from Innopac Checkin Boxes

Links to Word documents containing information from Innopac checkin boxes for periodicals that were currently received at the time of migration. Useful for creating patterns.

Checkin numbers .c100167x-

Checkin numbers .c1036518-

Checkin numbers .c1068003-

Checkin numbers .c1105632-

Checkin numbers .c1147195-1425857

IN PROCESS; Access at R:/info-processing/Serials.

Checkin numbers .c1425882-

Checkin numbers .c1476567-

Checkin numbers .c1539516-

Checkin numbers .c1573305-

serials_links_to_useful_information.1236867577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0