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Serials Workflow: New Titles

Revised July 2020

These instructions are current as of July 2020–however, separate workflows for serials and periodicals as below are under review and may be merged in FOLIO.


  1. If the title is determined to be a new acquisition, search for the new title in OCLC. If there is no record in OCLC, give to a cataloguer to create an original record.
  2. Check the fastcat standards list for serials on the Title Changes instructions page.
  3. Add 928 field (AUTHORITY) and 910 field, [initials] [date].
  4. Update holdings (Action –> Holdings –> Update holdings). This action adds “Held by AUM” to the top of the screen.
  5. Export record using the Export button (square icon with an E and arrow).
  6. Search for the new bib record in Aleph Cataloging, by copying the number that displays on the export pop-up box in OCLC: FCL01.######### (Copy everything after the “.”)
  7. Create item with sublibrary, collection, material type, item status, process status.
  8. Create a holding record in UGEN. Verify the 852 field–be sure there are subfields h and i with the call number. If there is no call number, give the title to a cataloguer.
  9. Add 866 field with indicators 41 and input the volumes/issues we hold. Make sure the item is linked to the holding.
  10. Go to Aleph Serials and attach an order record with budget code, method of acquisitions, vendor, order group, etc. Gifts do NOT need an order record.
  11. In subscription info. [1.], enter sublibrary, collection, item status, order number, from/to date, delivery type. Add bind mark instructions and any notes needed for receiving in check in note.
  12. Make sure HOL record is linked to subscription record.


  1. If the title is determined to be a new acquisition, search for the new title in OCLC. If there is no record in OCLC, give to a cataloguer to create an original record.
  2. Check the fastcat standards list for serials on the Title Changes instructions page.
  3. Add 928 field (AUTHORITY) and 910 field, [initials] [date].
  4. Update holdings (Action –> Holdings –> Update holdings). This action adds “Held by AUM” to the top of the screen.
  5. Export record using the Export button (square icon with an E and arrow).
  6. Search for the new bib record in Aleph Cataloging, by copying the number that displays on the export pop-up box in OCLC: FCL01.######### (Copy everything after the “.”)
  7. Create item with sublibrary, collection, material type, item status, process status.
  8. Create a holding record in UGEN. Verify the 852 field–be sure there are subfields h and i with the call number. If there is no call number, give the title to a cataloguer.
  9. Add subfield k Per. This allows the Per suffix to be printed on the label that is affixed to the periodical.
  10. Add 866 field with indicators 41 and input the volumes/issues we hold. Make sure the item is linked to the holding.
  11. Go to Aleph Serials and attach an order record with budget code, method of acquisitions, vendor, order group, etc. Gifts do NOT need an order record.
  12. In subscription info. [1.], enter sublibrary, collection, item status, order number, from date/to date, delivery type. In subscription info. [2], check the “print label” box and select yes for “send claims”. Enter claim dates, binding instructions in note field and other notes needed for receiving.
  13. Create a prediction pattern, and “open all” for expected issues.
  14. Make sure HOL record is linked to subscription record.
  15. Label and barcode an orange box, receive issues and send to stacks. For science titles, send over with a note saying new title and they will label their own box.

NOTE: Item records for issues in orange boxes need to reflect all issues in the box. Orange boxes are barcoded!!!

Example: An orange box for a title has volumes 1-10. There will be one barcode on the orange box and one item. Item description will say v.1-10.

Contact: Ann KardosContact: Diana Pacunas

serials_workflow_new_titles.1595531051.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/23 19:04 by annk Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0