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Setting holdings on OCLC

Some catalogers do all of their work in Connexion They sets holdings right in Connexion each time they catalogs something for everything except electronic resources. No holdings are set for bibliographic records in OCLC.

Catalogers add a 930 OCLC field to the records in Aleph usually using a macro Twice a month Lucy does an OCLC batch process to add these holdings Pulls a list for all records that have a 930 with OCLC in them via Aleph services does batch update in Connexion Deletes the 930 fields out of the records after the holdings are set

The above two processes also apply to all material ordered non-shelf ready by Rebecca which gets reviewed by catalogers.

Print serial new title In Aleph and in the holdings record for the serial title, add a 866 4 1 $$a with a statement on what the Library holds for the serial title.

No Holdings are set for any batch loaded electronic resources.

SFX - We aren’t doing anything now No OCLC holdings are being set

The OCLC Knowledge Base was managed by Christine, then Ron, and now Jennifer.

Anything ordered through Yankee - Yankee sets our OCLC holdings for us.


Hathi Trust - holdings were set on the out of copyright items that were free for anyone to use Turned off due to problems with linking to in copyright books that couldn't actually be accessed and messy metadata and bad record merging

910 - initials and date to gather cataloging statistics ex. MBB 01/09/2017 928 - AUTHORITY - should always add this field to record in Aleph after exporting the record 930 - OCLC- should always add this field to record in Aleph after exporting the record

Serials OCLC Local holdings record Jennifer processes local holdings in OCLC based on information in the 866 field from holdings records in Aleph

Print journals Cancellations - we have a process which includes closing our holdings to show the last volume we hold in our library.

Ejournals Cancellations - No local holdings records are created on OCLC for ejournals.

Print books - For withdrawals Marcelle removes holdings in Connexion

Ebook collections Records are batch loaded and holdings are not batch set through Collection Manager by Jennifer. This setting is managed at the institution level settings in OCLC Collection Manager.

Other Electronic Collections like the PBS video collection through Alexander Street Press. No holdings will be set in OCLC. Bibliographic metadata sets of electronic resources are evaluated in terms of discovery and metadata quality. This is to determine if a set is better discovered through 3rd party services like EDS or SFX or batch loaded into Aleph.

For serials in SFX there is no feed to set holdings on OCLC but SFX will show our holdings in Google Scholar. Google Scholar also takes our holdings from WorldCat.

setting_holdings_on_oclc.1589906761.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/19 16:46 by jeustis Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0