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Best Practices for Managing This Wiki

Topics on this page address common practices, or standards, for creating, editing and managing content on the Acquisitions, Cataloging & Processing Staff Wiki. Applying these conventions will create a more friendly environment for wiki users. In addition to what's covered here, the Best Practice Guidelines for Web Content Creation is a useful and relevant document.

Naming new pages

When you create a new page, type the shortest, most descriptive and sensible title possible. Give this some thought before you actually create the file. Make it plain English. It's easier to choose a good name at the outset than it is to delete a file and create a new one with a better name.

Applying headings

Headings are used to delineate sections or topics within a page. In addition to making it easier to browse the contents of the page, the headings also automatically generate the Table of Contents which appears at the top right of the page. The Table of Contents gives a brief page outline and enables you to go to a given section of the page by following the heading link. At a minimum, please apply these headings:

  • H1 - to the page title
  • H2 - to a main section or topic covered

Adding contact information

Each page should have at the bottom a note about who is primarily responsible for maintaining its content. This does not preclude others from making changes to the page, but it's useful to know of whom one can ask questions, report errors, make suggestions, etc.

At the bottom of each page you are responsible for creating and maintaining on the wiki, add a line with your name and an email link. The format should look like this: Primary contact: Christine Turner. Refer to the edit mode to see the syntax.

Linking new pages

When you save a new page, it will automatically appear within the alphabetical list in the Index column to the left of the Start page. Depending on the subject of the page, you will need to add the filename (page title) to the Start page within the appropriate functional area(s). It may be listed in more than one place.

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