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DVD FastCat Instructions

Acquisitions module

Receiving items

  • Search for each item by title in the Aleph Acquisitions module by clicking on the binoculars
  • Click show
  • Click on the title
  • Click on orders
  • Click on the general tab
  • Change the “SV” in the order record to “WP.”
  • Look in the Library note field for an ILL note because these will need additional processing done in ILLiad
  • Write the order number on the packing slip
  • Fill out the DVD routing slip
  • Click on Arrival
  • Click add at the top half of the screen
  • Click add at the bottom half of the screen

If the Library Note in the order record indicates that the DVD is an ILL Rush, use ILL Rush procedures ( after receiving the item in Aleph.

Cataloging module

Item records

* Click overview and then cataloging to switch over the the cataloging module

* Place barcodes in the upper left corner of the front of the DVD case

* Make sure all the fileds are filled out correctly in the item record:

UMDUB sublibrary

collection UMDVD

material type VDVD

call number type 0

item status is 06

item process is PC.

If we have rights for public performance of a film, please add “Public Performance Allowed” in the OPAC note field.

Item record special situations

DVD Added Copies

Add a separate item record for the added copy.

Do not create a separate holdings record.

Click on the holdings link field to link the item record to the holdings record and to import the material type and collection codes from the existing holdings record.

Put 1 & 2 in the copy number box in the item records.

Adding price data for DVD sets

Add price data in item records for DVD sets that are cataloged separately by individual title

Overlay the set record with the record for the first title in the set.

Divide the total price for the set by the number of titles (bibs) in the set.

Add the divided price and the set order # to the item record for each title.

So for example, if a DVD set was $300 and came with six separate titles, the price for each title in the item records would be $50.

Bib records

Check to make sure the bibliographic record meets the DVD FastCat standards below:

020, 028, or 024 fields

Check for matching numbers

041 field

Language codes - Should have an 041 field if there are multiple languages or subtitles

An example would be: ara |a heb |a eng |b eng

This would have an accompanying 546 note saying In Arabic, Hebrew, or English, with English subtitles.

245 field

245 00 Title and statement of responsibility - Do not worry too much about verifying all of the information in the subfield c. Just make sure it doesn't seem blatantly wrong.

250 field

250 Edition statement - Typical edition statements may include: Widescreen version, Full screen version, Special edition, etc.

If there is no edition statement that is okay but if one is present make sure it matches the DVD in hand

260 or 264 field

260 or 264 – Place, publisher or distributor, and DVD production date

Do not worry about it if the production date of the DVD in hand differs from the date in the record. Unless there is some other difference - like extra special features, or a different edition, etc. If only the date is different, it's just a reprint, and doesn't require a new record.

300 field

300 – a typical note would be 1 videodisc (84 min.) : |b sd., col. ; |c 4 ¾ in.

Make sure the running time matches, but do not worry if the time is a minute off. Sometimes the actual playing time of the disc is rounded up or down, and the rounded time is what you will find on the back of the container.

538 or RDA 3xx fields

538 field – Ex. DVD, region 1, NTSC

If the 538 field simply says DVD and there is no other information on the container, this is fine to leave as is. If the DVD is not region 1, NTSC add a note at the end of the field: (DISC MAY NOT PLAY IN ALL MACHINES)


6XXs – Should have at least one subject heading if it is a documentary film.


Should have at least one 7xx field. (There will probably be many listed.)

910, 928, 930


910 [XXX mm/dd/yyyy]


930 OCLC

Hit Control L to save bib record

Call numbers 090s and 050s

Make sure all DVD catalog records have an LC call number in an 090 or 050 field. Follow these instructions:

Nonfiction documentary films will be classified with an LC number that corresponds to their subject matter and the date the DVD was released (later date) at the end of the call number.

For nonfiction films - if there is an 050 in the record with an LC Call number no further work needs to be done.

Fiction films will be classified with PN1997, for motion pictures, and a Cutter number will be added for the title of the film.

Dramas, feature films, or any type of fictional film will need to be shelf listed and the Cutter number will need to be revised to fit into alphabetical order with our DVD collection.

Cutter for the spine title on the container.

  1. Go to the Library homepage on the Web
  2. Click on 5 college catalog
  3. click on advanced search
  4. Click on more tab
  5. Choose UM DVDs/Videos/Films
  6. Search for call number begins with - enter the call number in the record - Example PN1997.H63 for The hobbit : the battle of the five armies
  7. See where the title you are cataloging should be listed in alphabetical order
  8. For this example it should go after PN1997 .H689 2013 The hobbit [videorecording] : an unexpected journey
  9. Make the cutter number something that would go right after PN1997 .H689 like PN1997 .H6891 2013

Cutter out only as many numbers as you need to. Use as many numbers as you need to differentiate between previously cataloged titles. Usually cutter numbers will be 4-5 numbers long, but sometimes they may be as short as 1-2 letters long.

We will also add a date to the end of the call number. This date will be VHS or DVD release date not the date the film was originally produced.

Hit Control L to save bib record

Holdings record

  • Go back to the item record and create a holdings record
  • Check the holdings record to make sure it looks okay
  • Make sure that the call number was pulled into the call number field in the item record

Send the DVD on its way

  • Attach Routing Slip to DVD container using a rubber band
  • Put DVD on the shelf in the backroom or on Linda Fish's truck for RUSH end processing

Packing slips

Give packing slips or invoices to Rebecca.

What to do is the bib record doesn't pass the FastCat review

  • If a DVD's bibliographic record does not meet the DVD Fastcat standards, search OCLC for a better record, whether an update of the current bibliographic record or a replacement with a better record
  • If there is no better record on OCLC direct the DVD to Peter Shea for further cataloging
  • If the DVD is a RUSH, follow the DVD RUSH procedures below

DVD RUSH procedures:

( Do NOT use these procedures for DVDs that are going on Reserve. Give reserve DVDs to Peter if they need further cataloging work.)**

• Make sure the DVD has a barcode on it and that the barcode is in the item record. Place barcode in the upper left corner of the DVD.

*Any other end processing (e.g. call number label, security targets, stamps, stickers, etc.) will be done after the item is cataloged.

• Check item records to make sure the sublibrary and collection codes are correct for the material type.

• Change the item process status from PC to blank

• Add a note in the Circ Note field in the item record: “Please give to staff member to bring to RUSH return shelf in the IRM Department upon return.”

• Give Rush DVDs to Rachel Hobbie

Primary contact: Meghan Banach

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