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E-Books: New Title Workflows

This is an attempt to classify, with examples, the different e-book acquisition inputs, then to continue with the processes for their acquisition, cataloging and ongoing maintenance.

  • Packages – from aggregator, consortia or publisher (or Gobi?)
    • Purchase – NetLibrary, EEBO, Elsevier, Springer, GVRL
    • Subscription – Safari (ProQuest), ebrary, Knovel, Oxford Reference Premium
  • Individual titles
    • Purchase:
      • YBP - Gobi
      • Direct from publisher
      • Direct from aggregator - Gale, ebrary
      • We may also have DDA programs as well.
  • Mono Series – via publisher or aggregator
    • Purchase – Literature Criticism (Gale), CQ Press Political Reference Suite, Royal Society of Chemistry (purchased as package)


Note: see Triangle Research Libraries: Beyond Print Goals & Values statement for e-book access, licensing and management considerations.

1. Receive order request in YBP or from selector, or receive an invoice (mono series?)

2. Search Aleph Ser/Acq to see if UMA or Four Colleges has title(s) in collection or on order (print, via existing package or online single title). Depending on subject area, may also search ebrary, Books 24×7 or publisher platform.

3. For individual titles, check purchase options for platforms and pricing in Gobi, then publisher or consortia sites

  • List of e-book publishers available through Gobi available in …

4. Check for license in place, or request license and negotiate terms. (see below)

5. Review options with selector and confirm order

6. Download/create bibliographic record (Electronic order confirmation record, aka EOCR –minimal YBP record, OCLC, brief) within 48 hours to Aleph for individual title or package and suppress it (OCLC and brief; EOCR records not suppressed).

7. Attach order record – mono for purchase, series for subscription. Note # of users allowed and platform (done automatically for EOCR record)

8. Attach and suppress item and holdings records (done automatically for EOCR, not suppressed). URL inserted into holdings.


  • Gobi order for individual titles triggers license process if one not in place with publisher.
    • Gobi-publisher licenses in place – ebrary, Ebsco, Sage, Wiley
  • If negotiating license with publisher, add Gobi order permissions if possible

Activating Access to Package and Mono Series Titles

How a MARC record for an individual e-book title in a package or mono series gets into our catalog depends on the publisher and source of the records.

  • Packages – from publisher or consortia
    • Purchase or subscription – Acquisitions works with ILS to determine if publisher records are available, or OCLC record set, and which is preferable choice. ILS manages updates to these record sets.
  • Mono Series – via publisher
    • Purchase – Records retrieved from publisher or OCLC WorldCat, then passed on to Meghan for check and to set holdings. Prefer edition neutral record with url to list of editions.

Activating Access to Individual Titles Purchased

If title is being purchased through a DDA program, see notes at end.

  • Direct from publisher, record downloaded OCLC WorldCat or brief record created. When title is activated record is passed on to Meghan for check and to set holdings.
  • GOBI orders. Order, item and holdings records are automatically loaded into Aleph. Gobi generates notifications which go to eleres and acq email accounts when e-book becomes available.
    • Aleph order record. Check and notify faculty member or other requester if necessary(see instructions below), adding the URL with proxy prefix to the notification. The proxy prefix is
      • Note: do not use the proxy prefix to ebrary or EBL (EBook Library) URLs. If the URL is too long, use to shorten.
      • To Notify patron for ebooks- (1)In Acquisitions mode of Aleph, go to printer icon in lower right and change to “normal printing” (2)Add URL for ebook in note field of arrival form (use tiny url if needed) (3)arrive item which will trigger the email to go- no news is good news! If the form letter pops up on your screen then it did not go through. (4)Change printer setting back to how it was when finished.
  • Aleph order record note. Add “One user at a time”, “Two users at a time”, “Unlimited UMass use” if necessary.
  • Aleph HOL record. Add the URL from the YBP email to the holdings record 856 40 u field preceded by the proxy silk prefix
  • Note: do not use the proxy prefix to ebrary or EBL (EBook Library) URLs. Test access.
  • Aleph Item record. Remove the OO “On Order” status from the Item Process Status. The Item Status should be 04, the Collection code should be UWWW, and the Material Type should be EBOOK.
  • Aleph bib.
  • The EOCR should be overlaid by a PROMPTCat record. If the PROMPTCat record has not been received, track and check for a few weeks, then notify Mary Ann.
  • If the PROMPTCat record is not acceptable, print out a copy and give to Marcelle for cataloging (print bib using CTRL+P, choose Form 001); ask Marcelle to give you the OCLC number when she's done.
  • Aleph bib should already be unsuppressed. Remove bib 856 fields.
  • Aleph bib duplicates should be investigated. Currently separate Aleph bibs are used for each sub or purchase.
  • SFX activation.
    • Click on “Objects” under KBManager.
    • Search by the ISBN given in the YBP email. If search fails, try title.
    • Click on P (Portfolio) which will bring up a list of targets in which this title is located; these are object portfolios. Most UMass single purchase ebooks are available through these targets:
      • PROJECT_MUSE_EBOOKS_[year]
    • Activate by clicking on the check mark. If a target is not present or activated, send title to Catherine.
    • Test access by clicking on the swirlygig to the right of the object portfolio.
  • WorldCat Local activation
    • If the ebook has a record in ALEPH, there is no need to also activate the title in the OCLC knowledge base. With current settings (6/23/14), the WorldCat Local View Now menu and full record will pull in the link to the ebook from the 856 field in the ALEPH holdings record.
    • If the ebook does not have a record in record in ALEPH for some reason, see Christine.
Notes about DDA
  • Ebrary titles may be purchased directly as listed above, or through a DDA program that is UMass only.
    • If the purchase is through the DDA program then the invoice does not get processed. Give it to the Acquisitions Coordinator instead.
    • Create an order record. Order status- closed, Material type - EB, Material format - E, Acquisitions Method - DA (Deposit Account), Vendor - B&T, No item record, No budget, no money.
    • SFX activation activation still needs to take place as described above.
  • EBL purchases that are the result of our Five-College DDA program do not need SFX activation or WorldCat Local activation.
    • Only the invoice needs to be processed. The invoice will probably come a few days after the activation notice, and it may come in the mail. An email will be sent from Aleph to LibAcq-L with the ADM number. Use this number to find the order record and get the order number for invoice processing (or use the ISBN on the invoice to find the order number).You can “arrive” each title as you add the line item on the invoice in Aleph. Also make sure that the “Interdisc” is in the “order group” field, and not in the “library note” field. In the “Library note” field add “EBL DDA” so that we know where each title is from. It may also be necessary to change the “claim date” on the vendor tab of the order form. This date cannot be listed as earlier than the “status date” on the general tab.
    • Do not change the HOL, the bib, or anything else in Aleph.

Maintaining Access to Package and Mono Series Titles

  • Upon invoice processing Heather, closes order record for purchased titles
  • Subscription renewals monitored by Acq unit staff, e.g. CQ Press standing orders (see package renewals page)
  • Changes to URLs or platforms monitored and maintained by e-resources team
  • General support provided by dbhelp

Primary contact: Christine Turner

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