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HLM Admin Management

HLM, or Holdings Management, is the EBSCO system that powers the exact match eJournal placard in EBSCO. It also enables SmartLinking Plus for all of our subscriptions that we pay to EBSCO. (ie. content where EBSCO is our subscription agent.) Maintaining HLM means enabling subscribed, full-text eJournal content. Approximately 87% of our eJournal subscriptions (individual and package) are paid to EBSCO, who manages enabling the content through the Order Integration between EBSCONet and EBSCOAdmin. We have to manually enable the remaining 13%, some of which is not available at all in HLM. Once something appears in HLM then you can go about the relatively simple process of enabling the package or title.

HLM Overview Page

The overview page for HLM in the EBSCOAdmin shows how many titles and packages we have enabled, as well as linking out to be able to create custom resources and packages, and to manage some of our universal settings.

  • We need to reach out to EBSCO to understand how the ranking in HLM works.
  • We also need to discuss Notes. Currently, we don't really use them since we believe there is a limit to the number of notes we can create.
    • Right now there are only three: OA, PA, and Transfer

Custom Content in HLM


  • Text
    • Text

Elsevier AutoLoad data from SGX needs to be refreshed once a month (just like the autoload) for our holdings to be reflected accurately in HLM. This is done by an FTP into the Admin

  • Instructions
    • Text

Enabling a New Resource

When a brand new resource appears in your queue it can be enabled in HLM. If the vendor is EBSCO, all you need to do is take a cursory glance by searching for the title and seeing if the Order Integration has already enabled it. If it has, make a note in CORAL and mark the workflow step as completed. If it is not, leave the step alone and wait. If the vendor is not EBSCO, then you need to enable the resource yourself.

Enabling Metadata

hlm_admin_maintenance.1556027625.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/23 13:53 by jmulvaney Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0