This is an old revision of the document!

HLM Admin Management

HLM, or Holdings Management, is the EBSCO system that powers the exact match eJournal placard in EBSCO. Maintaining HLM means enabling subscribed, full-text eJournal content. Approximately 87% of our eJournal subscriptions (individual and package) are paid to EBSCO. Once something appears in HLM then you can go about the relatively simple process of enabling the package or title.

Also See

HLM Overview

The overview page for HLM in the EBSCOAdmin shows how many unique titles and packages we have enabled, as well as linking out to be able to create custom resources and packages, and to manage some of our universal settings. From this page you can get to the following

  • Titles and Packages
    • This placard will open up the search screen and default to selected.
      • The number of packages is split between managed (EBSCO Global) and UMA Custom
      • The number of titles is for unique titles, and includes managed (EBSCO Global) and UMA custom titles. A download of the full KB will not match this number as it includes duplicates.
  • Managing Links
    • This portal is similar to ranking in EDS. Here you can rerank, manage link assignments, change text/icons/etc, and manage our local links for Menu integrations, etc.
      • EBSCO should automatically apply the appropriate links when we activate a resource.
  • Upload/Download Holdings
    • This can be used to import external data into existing Packages
      • Documentation exists on EBSCO Connect and below for these functions
      • Notes are not included.
  • Searching Options
    • When searching by title, rely primarily on an identifier rather than title as HLM does not return results consistently for all titles.
    • Searching by UMAAH under vendors will return custom packages created locally.
  • Manage Notes
    • These are for the internal or public notes attached to records, not for Custom Labels. This is available by going into the title search screen.
      • HLM is hierarchical like SFX. Any note attached to a vendor will inherit down to Package and then Title.
    • There is no functional limit to how many notes you can create or attach to a record, but they do only appear in FTF and PubFinder, not in the Exact Match Screen
      • Notes should be avoided as they behave strangely. Use appropriate Custom Labels for internal and public notes, use these notes when you need to apply something across multiple KB items or if you need more advanced formatting.
  • eHoldings & the Holdings IQ
    • Data from HLM and eHoldings communicate back and forth nearly 1:1 via the HoldingsIQ product. There is no delay (unless something is wrong) but some things only exist on one side of the divide (notes for instance are not shared between HLM and eHoldings.)

Understanding Linking

HLM functions as the back end for the Link Resolver Full Text Finder, and the eJournal A-Z Publications Finder. These two interfaces rely on different linking mechanisms.

  • The Full Text Finder CustomLink exists in EBSCO profiles to allow for the generation of a Link Resolver Menu
  • HLM Links are associated with different packages and titles in packages. They are automatically associated with selected content but can be edited. They are generated based on the combination of the BaseURL, a Query String, and a Mandatory Field
    • There is a known issue with HLM links relying solely on the DOI rather than ISSN or a combination of multiple identifiers. For a link to correctly appear on an FTF menu there MUST be a DOI in the source metadata. When found, these should be reported to EBSCO. Bob suggested that sometimes an ISSN version of a link can be created and Sara has had luck with getting additional metadata elements included.
    • This is a VERY different structure than SFX.
  • PubFinder Links appear in the titles themselves. The URL stored here is what is actually linkable from PFUI and can sometimes be used on the FTF menu if the PubFinder link is applied to those packages/titles.
    • They are NOT editable, any changes need to be sent to EBSCO.

HLM/FTF/PFUI Statistics

We have not made any decisions on what sort of statistics we will track once we leave SFX.

Updating Branding

Branding for Full Text Finder and PubFinder are handled differently since PFUI is one of EBSCO's newer products.

  • FTF Branding Tab
    • Basic changes are handled here, and we use enhanced branding but most of the design is handled via the bottom branding.
    • [UMAAH TEST] FTF (prior to to Go-Live) has all of our custom branding.
      • The same LibAnswers tab Kat created for EDS is used in FTF
      • MHC lent their code for the footer link to the eResource Use Policy
      • The same Favicon Switcher app for EDS is used
      • Courtney added code created for Amherst to increase the font size and underline the menu links
      • Courtney also created code to allow for a link in the FTF header to PFUI
      • Courtney created code to allow for better mobile use of the FTF menu
      • There is also code at the base from Courtney to rearrange elements of the metadata header and to change the way that the branding works to hide the EBSCO FTF image, put our branding in the top right, and allow for better resizing of the metadata.
  • PFUI Branding
    • The branding tab only controls the Title of PubFinder and the top right text and URL for images
    • [UMAAH TEST] New PFUI (prior to Go Live) has most configuration options and it needs to be set to Plain Text for the JSON to work
      • We have LOC subject headings configured
      • Colors are configured here as well
      • Alphabrowse is TBD
      • We have hidden the Browse by Database (package) but not the filter option
      • Our UMass branding image is stored here
      • The PfResourceTypeControl contains our customized radio buttons for searching
        • Final execution TBD

Interactions with EDS

EDS and HLM are two sides of the same knowledgebase but they are NOT the same thing. EDS can be viewed primarily as a metadata source with a unique linking aspect (CustomLinks and SmartLinks/Plus) of which HLM/FTF plugs in to be a link resolver. The EKB (HLM) is NOT intended to facilitate discovery. Important things to know:

  • Selecting a package/title in HLM does NOT mean it is discoverable in EDS. Metadata is handled separately and it is possible that titles in the EKB are not actually indexed, and therefore not linkable via FTF
    • Since we have the Exact Match Placard, this is how we expect patrons to link out to a title when searching in EDS
  • FTF Menus cannot be generated when there is no match to holdings in HLM (meaning, the generation of a link! not the selection of a title). An ILL button will appear instead. This is the same behavior as SFX.
    • A link existing in HLM does NOT mean it is linkable in FTF based on EDS metadata. Metadata from EDS must include the specific mandatory elements (like a DOI) for a link to appear on the FTF menu. If the required elements are not present a link will not generate, meaning there will be false negatives for content that will lead to ILL requests.

Custom Content

Try to keep custom content to a minimum to avoid the hastels of duplication. Search UMAAH in the vendor search to find all custom content.

  • ProQuest Legislative and Executive Publications: a UMAAH custom package for the different access points/names of the PQ Congressional Collection, there is a mix of managed custom and full custom titles.
  • ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst: eJournal content from Scholarworks, there is a mix of managed custom and full custom titles.
  • UMass Amherst eResources: Outlier resources of various types, there is a mix of managed custom and full custom titles.
  • Journal Citation Reports: Based on a file provided by Clarivate to power the JCR customlink. Titles update annually.

Enabling a New Resource

When a brand new resource appears in your queue it can be enabled in HLM.

  • Confirm whatever title or package actually matches the subscribed content. Selecting the title will activate it in HLM
    • Always check the proxy settings, custom coverage, and whether or not the package is set to Allow EBSCO to Add New Titles.
      • OA content, including content from publishers we pay for, should not be proxied to allow for better guest access.
    • Leave any notes as Custom Labels
    • If there is a new link, it needs to be ranked in the Links Management pane.
      • See details below.
  • Moving forward, we will activate all material types in HLM except for Abstract and Index packages. This may need to be revised following further testing in EDS/FTF.
    • PubFinder will be configured specifically to show only some types of title material types (primarily excluding non serial content like eBooks) but if there is a link and a linking mechanism, the content could appear in an FTF menu and will always appear in downloads.

Labels for the FTF Menu are also linked. Keep links on the 10s to allow for wiggle room.

  • The ranking of HLM Links is loosely based on SFX sort_services.config ranking.
    • 0 = EBSCO Linking Services (?)
    • 10 = Paid Journal subscriptions
    • 20 = Publisher hosts (Ingenta, Highwire, etc.)
    • 30 = Newspapers
    • 40 = Databases
    • 45 = Media, image, and streaming
    • 50 = Less reliable aggregators and digitized historical publications
    • 60 = eBooks
    • 70 = Open access
    • 80 = Print
    • 90 = Alternate Linking (CrossRef / PubFinder)
    • 100 = Service Links (Set to Always Show)
      • Begins with Section Label “Unable to Find Full Text?”
  • Once you've assigned or changed a ranking, scroll to the top of the page and click Refresh.
Basic Setting Field UMA Global Setting Notes
Link Name Do not Change EBSCO confirmed this doesn't affect settings.
Rank Match to above Schema
Allow EBSCO to Manage Assignments Should always be set to Yes
Category Do not Change
Link Text TBD
Hover Text TBD
BaseURL Do not Change
Query String Do not Change
Mandatory Fields Do not Change
Proxy Server Set to Inherited - Silk Need to confirm behavior when link is proxied but package is not
Display Settings For my Assigned Holdings Only the Service Links should be set to always show, ILL is NOT set or Items not in my Holdings
Show only if no (other) full text is available Always NO The service links should also be set to No
Show in Full Text Finder Always YES
Show to unauthenticated users TBD Need to decide if we want unauthenticated patrons to see Links to then hit the proxy wall
Display in new window Always YES
Icon Settings TBD Do not change the default Alt-Text unless it is missing or you are uploading a custom Icon

Deselecting Content

If you are deselecting entire packages, download the content first to see if there are any CustomLabels that should be preserved. Record relevant notes in FOLIO. Deselecting a title will delete ALL customizations including custom date coverage.

Renewal Procedures

Checking renewals in HLM is actually easier than SFX. There's a quick three step process for processing a renewal when it shows up in your queue.

Review Package Settings

Packages have basic settings which should be reviewed:

  • Be sure that the package has not been hidden
  • The Proxy Server should reflect whether the package is OA or not
    • (If it is mixed, it should NOT be set at the package level.)
  • Custom Date coverage should usually be unset (the exception being Springer eBooks)
  • Allow EBSCO to Add New Titles
    • Generally, unless the Package Type is Complete this should be set to No.

Checking Titles in Packages

Titles do not need to be closely checked unless the package is for eJournal content

  • For packages, title lists should be checked against the content
    • Sometimes, a new package is created and that package should be evaluated for new selection
    • Otherwise, check for cessations or title changes in EBSCONet and update Custom Labels
  • For individual eBook titles, check access through HLM and ensure that the proxy settings are correct
    • Confirm the coverage is correct and record any relevant notes.

eBook Packages and titles are handled differently.

  • For packages, ideally there should be a complete package and it can be treated like an eJournal package or aggregator.
  • For individual eBook titles, they really should be a one and done selection process, you won't need to review unless it's something with a recurring subscription.

The Link assigned to the package/title should be reviewed to make sure that no settings have been changed. Match the links to the criteria outlined above in the Enabling a New Resource setting.

Moving forward we will test links during the renewal process. Using a test profile which just uses the FTF CustomLink perform a title search for a title in package, generate an FTF menu, and confirm that the links you expect to see are appearing. Consider testing from multiple metadata sources and comparing the menus to see if mandatory fields are causing some links to fail.

HLM Regular Tasks

There are some regular maintenance things that need to be done to make sure that HLM is up to date.

Weekly Revision

EBSCO does not yet put out updates before they happen, so management of content in HLM is more reactionary than in SFX. Each week a copy of the Full KB should be downloaded and stored on the DRMS Drive and a “Titles Removed from my Holdings” report should be run for the previous week.

  • Currently the KB Download should be done on Mondays
  • The Titles Removed report should be on run on Tuesday and cover the previous Monday to Sunday. Compare titles against an appropriate download of the Full KB.
    • Ignore eBook Packages/Titles
    • Publisher's Site should have 75 titles (As of 20210310)
    • EBSCO Open Access Journals should have 5 titles (As of 20210310)
  • If titles are removed that we care about, check the package first to see if there is still content there that can be selected, or else, create a KB Inquiry.

Comprehensive link testing should be completed once a year in addition to testing individual links during the renewals process. Criteria is TBD.

ScholarWorks Update

Once a year the custom package for ScholarWorks should be updated based on the Journals page. Package Name: ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst

Publications Finder & CrossRef are added as links but have NOT been tested yet. Jack will work with EBSCO to try and get an actual link created so that we can link to ScholarWorks articles directly. Erin Jerome should be a part of this project. Scholarworks includes DOIs so an HLM link should be possible.


HLM/FTF/PFUI Policies & Procedures

These are some of the short term policies and procedures being created for HLM, Full Text Finder, and PubFinder

KB Maintenance

Knowledgebase Maintenance takes place in two phases. Content should be renewed on a yearly basis during the renewals process (see above) and general maintenance should be performed regularly throughout the year.

For regular maintenance consider the following:

  • Content formerly managed by the autoloads should be downloaded as KBART files from the publisher platform, transformed, and uploaded to HLM to overwrite existing data twice a year. Specific instructions can be found above.
  • Links should be reviewed regularly to ensure that link language, customizations, icons, etc. have not been changed in the EBSCO Admin
  • Whenever Support interacts with HLM, their suggestions or changes should be reviewed to ensure that local decisions have not been reversed.
  • Once a week, a Full download of the KB should be taken from the Admin (minus Print and eBooks) to make sure we have backups of content.
  • Once a week, titles removed from holdings should be reviewed.

Open Access Policy

Open Access content in HLM should always be reviewed prior to it's selection. If the OA content is from a specific vendor it is likely duplicated in our subscriptions so a review should be done to make sure we are not overloading any FTF menus. If liaisons have specific requests for linking they should be asked for an academic justification as OA content is harder to manage in HLM than it was in SFX.

We are NOT selecting the large EBSCO provided OA packages as we have no way of comprehensively reviewing them for accuracy. If specific titles are requested they should be selected and documented via CustomLabels.

If linking becomes unreliable for a subset of a package content should be deselected. IRM is not able to coordinate with OA publishers for access issues so if an entire package becomes unreliable it will be delestected.

OA content is specifically not proxied on PubFinder so that all patrons can access it. We have tried to have content specific links unproxied (like HighWire Free) and include the OA button icon (like DOAJ) to advertise OA access via FTF but this method is not comprehensive and some OA content will be duped with proxied or unlabeled links.

Perpetual Access Policy

See Perpetual Access Procedures & Codes

  • This is an older version of this policy created specifically for SFX.

UMass policy for tracking and maintaining perpetual access in HLM is as follows (as of 03/10/21):

  • Cancellations of individual subscriptions: If a good range of PA is accessible (ie. more than 2-3 years) and we retain subscriptions from the same publisher, PA access can be enabled. (Ex. Taylor & Francis)
  • Transferred titles from package ejournals: Do not set up PA access EXCEPT for Springer, Wiley, and Elsevier. The Elsevier and Springer KBART loads include these titles so they will be uploaded to HLM.
  • Individual subscription transfers: Mostly we are retaining PA access but if publisher is known to retain PA, exceptions can be made. Many publishers are not reliably retaining PA access long-term so a judgement call may need to be made.
    • Publishers who have retained PA relatively reliably are: Taylor & Francis, De Gruyter, Wiley, Elsevier, Springer.
    • Publishers who have may NOT retain PA reliably are: Sage, Ovid, Cambridge, Oxford.

Configuration Decisions

Configuration Affected System Notes
Broken Link Report FTF Menu This is a reconfigured ILL menu that EBSCO can change for us. We worked with them to update branding and they can change which fields appear/are required if need be. After go live, emails will go straight to the DBHelp Queue.
Search by Citation FTF Menu Jack opted to include this feature in FTF. Unclear if it can be used as separate search interface.
Browse Databases PubFinder We opted to disable this feature since it is actually HLM packages, not “databases”
Browse Subjects PubFinder UMass is using the LOC controlled vocabulary, not EBSCO's Title Level Index (TLI)
A-Z Browse PubFinder Due to patron confusion we have disabled the second layer Alpha Browser (ie. AA, AB)
Material Type Radial Buttons PubFinder All Publications searches everything but eBooks, other than that they are self explanatory
Full Text Finder CustomLink EDS The link is configured to only appear when something matches our Holdings, however, that is not exactly true. Something is defined as matching holdings if a link is generated, not if OpenURL style metadata is available and matched against HLM
HLM Link Language FTF Menu Get Full Text at Publisher should be used for Link Language and Hover text. For links used for many packages (like ProQuest) EBSCO provided syntax should be used to show the package name
HLM Link Viewing FTF Menu Links should always be set to Show to unauthenticated viewers, in FTF, and to display in a new window. Most links should be set to always show.
HLM Link Icons FTF Menu Full text links should never have icons. Service links should always have icons.


Customization Responsible Party Notes
Search for eJournal by Title Courtney McCallister (EBSCO LSE) Courtney added some code for a widget which allows a link tp PubFinder in the top ribbon. Code lives in the Bottom Branding
FTF Menu Styling Courtney McCallister (EBSCO LSE) Courtney added some code for style changes to the FTF menu. They include logo tweaks, metadata header font size tweaks, changes to make FTF more responsive on mobile. Code lives in the bottom branding
FTF Link Styling Courtney McCallister (EBSCO LSE) Courtney added some code for an increased font and underlined links. Code lives in the Bottom Branding
UnPaywall Link EBSCO Support We configured UnPaywall with EBSCO Support. Michael then added custom code to the bottom branding to allow for correct linking via the UnPaywall API
Search for eJournal by Title Courtney McCallister (EBSCO LSE) Courtney added some code for a widget which allows a link tp PubFinder in the top ribbon. Code lives in the Bottom Branding
eResource Use Link UMass We borrowed code for the bottom branding to link to the eResource use policy via the footer of the FTF page
LibAnswers Widget UMass / Kat Berry This is the same code Kat created for EDS
JCR Linking EBSCO Support / Nash G. Nash worked to create the actual link, but for limiting purposes, the package for JCR is custom and is based on a yearly upload of a title list from Clarivate.
Google Scholar EBSCO Support Support created a link for a title search via Google Scholar.

Embedded FTF Buttons

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