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ALEPH Invoice Processing

Invoicing is a multi-step process in ALEPH.

Vendor and Invoice Information

1/ On the INVOICE BAR, click the icon next to the first field to view the vendor list and select a vendor.

2/In the adjacent field, enter the invoice number just as it appears on the invoice with any letters, spaces or slash marks and click the blue arrow.

If there is no invoice number, enter your initials then the date you enter the invoice into ALEPH as a 9-digit invoice number (and if you receive multiple invoices that do not have numbers from the same vendor on the same date, add the letter A, B, etc., to the end of the 6-digit code – example: jmb022207A)

If you are inputting a credit card purchase go to CREDIT CARD EXCEPTION for more information.

3/ Click “Yes” to activate the two-tabbed General Invoice form in the upper pane.

4/ The General Invoice Form displays. This summarizes information about line items and the overall invoice.

5/Click the 1. Invoice tab. Acquisitions does quality control check to make certain we are paying the correct vendor and that the vendor information in the ALEPH order matches the invoice then enters the following:

Net Amount(mandatory): enter the subtotal of the invoice

Shipment amount: enter shipping and handling charges

Discount amount: enter if discount applied to entire invoice

Total amount (mandatory): sum of (net amount + shipment+ overhead+ insurance) less any discount. this is calculated automatically when window refreshed.

Type (mandatory): used for define several types of invoices or budgets sources from which invoice is paid

  • REG = regular (anything that does not fall into categories below)
  • PRO = proforma (prepayments before shipment made)
  • ADJ = adjustment (supplemental charges typically for subscriptions)
  • DEP = deposit account
  • CC = credit card
  • CRE = credit note
  • REI = reimbursement (to be used when we receive reimbursement where we share the cost of a resource with another institution)
  • ER = electronic resource
  • END = endowment
  • FOL = Friends of the Library (add this value)
  • ILL = Interlibrary Loan

Status (Mandatory): used for library purposes only and is either partial or complete.

Currency(Mandatory): USD (US dollar)

Debit/credit (Mandatory): used to indicated debit or credit. Default is debit. Refund checks should be input as credits, including a note on what’s being refunded and the check numbers.

Invoice date (Mandatory): date vendor prepared invoice. If there is no date on invoice, used date when invoice entered into ALEPH (and write on invoice) entered as 6 characters with no slashes or dashes (e.g., 010307). For credit cards, enter the card statement date.

Note: Library Business Office staff enter an alpha character in the first position of this field once they decide which accounts payable purchase order to use to pay invoice via PeopleSoft.

Add line items to invoice

6/ Click Line Items node.

7/ In upper pane, click Add.

8/ The “Get Order” window appears. Use Index and Index Text to search by Order Number (Innopac order numbers are indexing in this field)

9/ Click the icon with three dots next to Index Text field to view Order Index.

10/ Select the order number from the Order Index

11/ The 1. Line Item tab appears in lower pane. Enter information as follows:

Vendor code (entered automatically based on code in general invoice)

Net amount: enter actual cost from invoice

Added amount: system automatically calculates this by adding shipment and discount amount from general invoice; it distributes them to individual line items on invoice.

Total amount: automatically calculated to include net amount and added amount.

Number of units: verify that the number of copies ordered is the same as the number received and invoice. By default, this is the number of copies ordered.

Debit/Credit: select debit if paying for item or credit if vendor is issuing credit/refund.

Invoice number: automatically completed based on information in general invoice.

Estimated price: populates automatically from value in the 4. Quantity and Price tab of Order Form.

Currency: defaults to USD

Note: can enter a note up to 60-characters long

Order completely invoiced: select this box if order completely invoiced. Clear this box if the order is not complete (e.g., if two have been ordered and one h as been invoiced).

Click Refresh and review updated information (correct any errors then click refresh again).

Click Add to add line item to general invoice. If material has not been noted as arrived, a prompt will appear with the option to arrive the item.

Click yes to note the order’s arrival in the system.

12/ Repeat the steps above until every order listed on the invoice has been entered.

Paying for Serials

If you are paying for serial records there are additional steps.

•You need to uncheck the box that says “Check Subs. Date Overlap”.

•Specify which volume, year, or parts you are receiving by adding that information in the Notes field.


13/ When all orders are entered, the total amounts for the General Invoice and the Line Item fields should match. Click Close to close the invoice.

14/ Compare vendor information on invoice to information on the lower portion of the screen. If it’s different from the printed invoice, put a note on the invoice so Library Business Office staff can check on discrepancy and send paperwork to vendor if needed.

Payment Tab

The 2.Payment Tab does not have to have any fields changed for any invoices being input with the exception of Credit Card payments (See: CREDIT CARD EXCEPTION.

Status: defaults to N – Business Office will change after they input the PeopleSoft purchase order alpha character in the and the invoice is run through PeopleSoft.

Approval Department: defaults to Approval 1 – Acquisitions


For credit card statements, the invoice number will be the card holder’s initials, the letters “CC”, plus the 6-digit authorization number for that transaction from the credit card statement (example: JBCC254785). Whether you use upper case or lower case for your initials, please be consistent.

Consider each transaction a separate invoice.

Type in the vendor code for each transaction. In some cases the vendor has his own vendor code in Aleph i.e. AMZN (Amazon). In other cases the vendor code may be “Procard - Acq” for those vendors we will only use once. The full name of the vendor is in the vendor contact field in the vendor tab of the order record.

Invoice date = the date of the credit card statement.

Type = CC (Credit card)

Input all orders being paid on each transaction.

Because our procard is actually a prepaid debit card, these transactions are considered already paid. Therefore, the Payment Tab should be set to “P” and the Approving Dept. will be “2”.

Sending Invoices to the Business Office for payment

•Each invoice must have 2 copies.

•Stamp invoice/credit “approved” and write your initials and date approved on both copies of the invoice.

•“Approved” stamps should be placed on the page of the invoice which has the total, near the total if possible.

•Place invoice in appropriate paid box in Acquisitions.

•Photocopies should:

  • Be clear/readable
  • Show pertinent information (amount, date, name, etc.)
  • Be reduced to letter size if necessary

•Invoice copies should be stapled (not paper clipped) with the original on top.

•If for any reason there is a problem with the invoice, write a note on a “post-it” rather than the invoice. It’s confusing to see a marked up invoice and difficult to determine if the invoice should be paid in full or in part.

•Proforma or special fund invoices should be clearly marked at the top of the invoice or with a note attached to the invoice.

•All foreign invoice totals must be converted to U.S. dollars. If you’re not sure, ask for help before entering into Aleph. All copies must have the U.S. dollar amounts written on them. Remember: some vendors use their own rates of conversion and show that on the invoice. If only foreign currency is used, use online conversion site to ascertain correct dollar amount for the day the invoice was issued. Print out this online conversion and attach to invoice when sending to the Business Office.

Procedures for Library Business Office Staff

•Run SQL query to retrieve invoices by specific ALEPH paid date and invoice status.

•Locate PeopleSoft vendor code and compares vendor information on invoice with vendor information in ALEPH invoice record, correcting information if necessary.

•If the invoice cannot be sent through for payment because there is no PeopleSoft vendor code or other incorrect information, Business Office staff will change the invoice status from “N” to “A.” Once the problem is fixed, they will change the status to “Y” and get the invoice into the appropriate AP batch.

•If the invoice is ready to be paid, Business Office staff enter the appropriate PeopleSoft alpha character into the first position of the Note field in the General Invoice record.

•Run a query or manually set the invoice payment status to P (paid) and Approval Department to Approval 2-Business Office.

Primary contact: Jan Bajgier

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