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====== Periodical Receiving ====== DRAFT

  • Log into Aleph and get into the Acquisitions module
  • Select [B] Browse in column on the left hand side of screen
  • In the “Browse” tab under “Base” category, select “UMA Staff Cat”
  • In the “Headings List” category select “Journal Title” (“Title” does a more broad search if you can't locate the periodical by the Journal Title)
  • Right click on the little printer picture at the bottom right corner of the screen and left click on “Preview”
  • Open Word Document for the Dymo label printer and leave open
  • Minimize the Word Document and go back to the Acquisitions module in Aleph
  • In the “Enter Starting Text” category, type in the name of the periodical you are checking in
  • Highlight the correct title you are searching for (it is usually the one already highlighted, the 2nd line)and click on the “Show” box on the right side of the screen
  • Look up in the top red outlined section to choose the correct title. You must make sure that it has a “Per” in the call no. and the owner is UM…there could be more than one of these to choose from
  • When you find the correct record from that list, highlight it and click on the “Serials” box on the right side
  • Usually the line is highlighted of the correct volume and issue number that should be checked in, but not always. If this isn't the correct issue, locate and highlight the line you wish to check in
  • Always compare on Aleph with the periodical in hand to make sure you have the correct date, month, year, season, volume, issue number, and title (sometimes you will come across a title change)
  • Be sure to look at the “Check-In Note” and check to see if there are any specific instructions for you when checking the item in
  • After all information is correct and you are ready to check in periodical, click on the “Arrive” box on the right side of the screen
  • Now you will have to click on the “Arrive” box again that you see half way down on the screen to the right
  • The “Serial Activity Log” box will appear saying that your check in was a success and at that point you can click on the “Close” box
  • The screen will now have the next issue to be checked in highlighted. You need to go back up to the item you just received and highlight that so you can print a label for that issue
  • In order to print a label, you need to put your cursor somewhat near the “Print Label” box but do NOT click on the box. Hit Ctrl. and backslash and after a few seconds (things will come up and flash on and off on the screen) then you should be having a printed call no. label come out on the Dymo label printer
  • Proofread the label to make sure it is for the issue you just checked in and not from the previous record, that happens sometimes
  • Place the label on the periodical without covering up and pertinent information such as volume, issue number or dates on the front cover

Primary contact: Diana Pacunas 2009/05/20 14:25

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