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Test Page 3

Transfer of Orders and/or Items to a Different Bibliographic Record.

Transfer an order record to a different bib record

(No item record or holdings record attached)

1.Make note of the Adm # for each of the records between which you want to transfer.

2.Retrieve one of the bib records in the acq mode.

3.Select “overview” and press the “Cataloging” button on the right.

4.In cataloging, at the top of the screen to the right and above the bib and admin numbers there are a series of icons, choose Split Editor Mode (it looks like an open book).

5.Now retrieve the 2nd bib record.

6.Select “overview” and move to the Cataloging view.

7.You should now see 2 bibs on a split screen.

8.Select the icon “overview tree” to the left of the Split Editor and you’ll see a hierarchy list of records attached to each ADM.

9.Select the order number line you want to move and drag and drop it to the destination record in the other screen. You’ll be prompted to confirm that you want to make that move.

If the first bib is no longer wanted, first delete the ADM record (ctrl R), then delete the bib record (ctrl R).

Transfer of Order Records and an item record

(Item exists but there is no Holdings record.)

Follow numbers 1 through 9 above. The item will transfer automatically with the order.

OR Drag and Drop ADM record that is in the screen you are transferring from and put it on top of the ADM record in the record you are transferring to. (NOTE: this will transfer ALL order & item records).

If the first bib is not wanted, first delete the ADM record (ctrl R), then delete the bib record (ctrl R)

Transfer an order and item record

(if item record is linked to holdings record)

1.Put the record you are transferring from onto the screen.

2.Unlink the item record from the holdings record.

3.Follow instructions above number 1 through 9.

If the first bib is not wanted, first delete the Holdings record (ctrl R), then the ADM record (ctrl R), then delete the bib record (ctrl R).

Transfer and order and item records

(item is linked to a holdings record)

Before following instructions above you’ll need to UNLINK the item record:

★In acquisitions mode Select “overview” and press the “Item” button on the right.

★Once in item record, click on tab HOL link.

★Lower right side has “unlink” button. Click on it.

★Then move on to steps 1-9 above,

OR Drag and Drop ADM record that is in the screen you are transferring from and put it on top of the ADM record in the record you are transferring to. (NOTE: this will transfer ALL order & item records).

If the first bib record isn’t wanted, delete the holdings record first then the ?ADM record and finally the bib record.

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