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(Aleph Workflow–Collection Services Division)
(Working Draft, 9/12/17)

Serials New Titles

-Download OCLC copy into Aleph and make printout. If not found in OCLC, give to cataloger to create original record.

-If record is in OCLC, and has 856 field with url, delete it. Add 928 field (AUTHORITY) and 910 field, [initials] [date]. A 930 field is NOT needed if LHR is made. Create LHR in OCLC.

-In Aleph, attach an order record (if we have one) with appropriate budget code, method of acquisitions, vendor, order group, etc.

-Create item with appropriate sublibrary, collection, material type, item status and process status.

-In sub. info., enter sublibrary, collection, item status, order number, from date and to date, delivery type. Checkin note field: add BIND MARK instructions and any notes needed for receiving.

-Make HOL record with Collection UGEN, add 866 field with what we have. Add any notes for public view in 952 field, any notes for staff in 590 field.


-In sub. list, enter sublibrary, collection, item status, order number, from date and to date, delivery type. Make sure “send claims” is marked yes, and “print label” box is checked. Enter claim dates, binding instructions in note field and other notes needed for receiving.

-Make an HOL record with Collection UPER. Add subfield m, “Per” to the call number in the 852. Add an 866 field reflecting what we have, add a pattern, and “open all” to generate expected issues. Make sure HOL record is linked to the correct subscription record.

-Add any notes for public view in 952 field, subfield z, and any notes for staff in 590 field.

-Label an orange box, receive issues and send to stacks. For Science titles, send over with a note saying new title and they will label their own box.

Primary contact: Diana Pacunas.

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