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SFX Statistics Query 12: Full-Text Not Found Report

The “Journals Requested but have no full-text” report is run on the offline table.

Each month login to the UNIX server to move the online table data to the offline table:

  • Go to the admin directory (da).
  • Run the script to call the utilities menu: ./server_admin_util
  • From main menu choose #5 for statistics.
  • Within statistics, choose #1 to move data from online to offline if there is room in the table (see Note).
  • Note: While logged in to the unix server, check status of the offline table under #5 – Statistics and #4 – Show stats tables monitor information. Online and offline tables should not exceed 200k requests (row count). When it’s close, move offline data to archive. The Archive is located at /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/umass3/archive/filename. We maintain a list of filenames.

From the web admin interface, go to the Statistics module:

  • Choose “Statistics Queries”.
  • Choose “Journals Requested but have no full-text”.
  • Select parameter to show All.
  • Set date range for month you want.
  • Select format for plain-text and delivery for email.
  • Open new .xls, import plain-text file and save to W:\DEPARTMENTAL_FOLDERS\Acquisitions\SFX_Project\20xx Statistics.

In Notes column add the following information:

  • Full-text holdings we may have activated. Get this from SFX object threshold field. If active in aggregator or package, note name and any embargo.
  • If not active in SFX, check Aleph Acq module to see if online order is pending.
  • If print subscription in Aleph, check EbscoNet to make sure we don't also have included online access.
  • If title is open access, investigate quality and quantity and make activation decision.
  • Resolve any linking or title change issues.

Compiling monthly data to .xlsx for fiscal year:

  1. Paste each month's data into a single worksheet. Notes may be omitted.
  2. Sort resulting worksheet by ISSN/title column.
  3. Using the Excel subtotal function, insert subtotals for each title.
  4. Using the Excel filter function, filter to show lines with the word Total in them.
  5. Copy the resulting total lines only display.
  6. Into a new worksheet use the Paste -Special function of Excel to paste the totals as values.
  7. Sort the result by requests. Add notes as needed.

Primary contact: Christine Turner

sfx_fulltext_not_found.1303754781.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0