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Shelf-Ready Shipment Processing

Processing Procedures for Each Book

♦Go to the Search function in the Acquisitions Mode of Aleph and scan in the book's barcode.

♦Check to make sure that the book and Aleph record match in terms of call number, title, author, publishing information, and number of pages.

♦Click on “Orders” button on the right hand side and go to the “2.General” tab, if not brought there automatically, and look at Order Status box.

♦If everything matches correctly then the book is ready for the stacks or the New Book Shelf so leave the Order status as “SV”.

♦If the book needs a call number label or other work you cannot complete, change the Order Status to “WP”.

♦Press “Update” button to save order record changes.

♦Arrive the book by clicking on “Arrival 0/1” to the left of the screen. Then click on “Add” button on the upper right, then on “add” on the lower right.

♦To get to the item record, click on “Overview” on the left of the screen, then click on “Items” button on the right.

♦If the book is ready for the stacks (fully processed Reference and Science books), change the “Item Process Status” code to NI (New Item.)

♦If the book will go to the New Book Shelf, change the “Item Processing Status” to “PW”.

EXCEPTION: If there are more books than the new book shelf can hold (15 red book truck shelves or the equivalent of 2.5 red book trucks using both sides of the trucks) the item processing status should be set to blank on the excess books and they should be put on trucks for items going to Stacks Management for shelving directly to the Du Bois stacks.

♦If the book is not yet ready for the New Book Truck or the Science Truck, change the “Item Processing Status” to “PC”.

♦Click “Update” to save item record changes.

Additional Steps for Non-Rush Books Lacking Call Numbers

If an OCLC search for the item reveals acceptable bibliographic copy for the item [ ]

If acceptable OCLC copy for the book cannot be located:

♦Go to “Overview” on the order record page and click on “Cataloging” button on the right.

♦Bring cursor to the field “928 AUTHORITY” and delete that field by pressing CTRL F5.

♦Click icon with red arrow in upper right side, “Save on Server and Local Drive”.

♦Press “Continue”, then “Override” buttons when prompted.

Books Going to Reference

♦Change the item status from 01 to 13.

♦Go to Holdings record in Cataloging and change Collection (852|c) to “URF” if the code is not already URF.

♦Click icon with red arrow in upper right side, “Save on Server and Local Drive”.

♦Press “Continue”, then “Override” buttons when prompted.

♦Affix “REF” label to call number label on spine of book.

Adding "Oversize" note if needed.

An oversized book is one that is over 30cm deep and/or over 40cm high.

♦In Holdings part of the bibliographic record in Cataloging, go to call number field and type <F7>; “OVERSIZE”.

♦Click icon with red arrow in upper right side, “Save on Server and Local Drive”.

♦Press “Continue”, then “Override” buttons when prompted.

♦Put “Oversize ” label at bottom of call number on spine of book.

Miscellaneous Problems

♦Make sure call numbers match library location code assigned. If may occasionally be necessary to change the location in the holdings record or add or delete a location from a call number label.

♦Books without call number labels are particularly likely to have a mismatch between the book and the record. You may want to type in the title rather than wanding in the barcode for books without labels, in order to find out if the books is a duplicate to one already in the collection. A wrong title may be the result of the title being changed at the last minute before publication, or of the wrong record being assigned by Promptcat.

♦Books with call number labels sometimes arrive with a minimal bibliographic record. It's a good idea to check for duplicate titles by doing a title search when this happens.

♦Books that belong to numbered series the library collects on standing order are sometimes sent in error via the Approval Plan as monographs. Search by series title for any monograph sent that is also part of a numbered series to be sure it's not a duplicate to one coming on standing order.

♦The first volume of a multi-volume monograph may be sent. This will need additional attention as you need to find out if other volumes are wanted (create a standing order record) and to add the volume number to the call number label on the book.

♦Look out for possible reference books sent on approval and not coded with a Reference location.

Primary contact: Susan Pease

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