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Draft April 25, 2008 Procedures for Withdrawal of Print Monographic Materials from the Collection


The Cataloging and Processing Dept. will Withdraw materials from the Library’s collection upon their 1) being declared Missing, 2) Lost by a Patron, or 3) Discarded by Library staff. The Circulation Dept. will notify Cataloging and Processing in regard to material that is to be declared Missing or Lost by patron.

In order to Withdraw an item, Cataloging and Processing will 1) suppress the item record (and the bibliographic and holdings records, if there are no other copies or volumes in any Library location); 2) remove the Library’s holdings from OCLC (if there are no other copies or volumes in any Library location), 3) enter or verify the presence of a Circ note in the item record concerning the Withdrawal, e.g. WDN [date, initials], and 4) record the Withdrawal in the statistics of the collection. Cataloging and Processing will inform Collection Development concerning Withdrawn material, who will make a decision in regard to possible replacement. Note that the Five College Depository should be considered a Library location, but not the Renaissance Center collection.

If the holdings record is for a multi-part title and contains a holdings statement indicating the Library’s holdings, the item being withdrawn should be removed from the holdings field, and the reason for the withdrawal given in a non-public note field in the holdings record.

When an item is Withdrawn, an appropriate Circ Note should be entered in the item record in all cases, in order to trigger an alert to circulation staff during a transaction that a withdrawn item has been found. In such a case, the item should be sent to Cataloging and Processing for re-instatement. If the item is being charged out to a patron, the patron should be allowed to have the book and the item should be sent to Cataloging and Processing upon its return.

Item records, holdings records (if appropriate), and bibliographic records (if appropriate) for Withdrawn materials will normally be suppressed from public view, but will be retained in the catalog indefinitely. Exceptions are possible, e.g. records for material discarded according to regular schedule, e.g. “latest volume only retained,” will simply be deleted from Aleph.

Exception: The scope of these procedures does not include material housed in government documents.


I. Missing

An item will be declared Missing when it has been searched at least twice, over a time period of at least 6 months, and not found.

At the point an item is first noted to be absent, the Item Processing Status will be coded SF for “First Search” (displays in the OPAC as Missing), normally, but not necessarily, by Circulation staff. There is no need to enter a note with date, etc., since the Update Date in the item record will generally give the date. If an item coded SF is still not found the next time it is searched, the code will be changed to SS for “Second Search” (displays in the OPAC as Missing), if at least 3 months have elapsed from the Update Date in the item record. If 3 months have not elapsed, the status should be left as SF until a subsequent search. If an item coded SS is still not found the next time it is searched, and at least 3 months have elapsed after the Update Date in the item record, the item will be declared Missing and Circulation will send a printout of the record to Cataloging and Processing for Withdrawal. Cataloging and Processing will change the Item Processing Status to ‘MI’, which suppresses the display of the item in the OPAC, and follow standard procedures to complete the Withdrawal. The standard form of the Circ Note should be: “WDN [date, initials].”

Circulation or branch staff will normally conduct searches of materials coded SS or SF twice a year, during the January Intersession and in the Summer.

II. Lost by Patron

Circulation will declare an item Lost by Patron at the point at which a patron pays the replacement fee, or informs Circulation staff that the book has been lost. An item will also be declared Lost by patron if the item is over-due for at least two years.

When a replacement fee is paid or a patron informs Circulation that an item is lost (regardless of whether the patron presents a replacement copy or not), Circulation, in addition to any standard billing procedures, should enter an appropriate Circ Note in the item record for the lost item, e.g. “Lost by patron” or “Bill paid by patron,”with date and initials, and notify Cataloging and Processing. This notice should include an indication of which item record is to be withdrawn, if there is more than one on a title, e.g. by including the last 3 digits of the barcode. Cataloging and Processing will change the Item Processing Status to FP (Bill-Paid), which suppresses the item from OPAC display. The item will be withdrawn according to standard procedures.

If a replacement copy is presented by the patron, that fact should be recorded in an Internal Note in the item record for the lost item, “Lost and replaced by patron [date, initials].” The replacement copy should be sent directly to Cataloging and Processing (not to Acquisitions) accompanied by the notification of the lost item that is to be Withdrawn, with enough information to identify the precise item if there is more than one on a record. Cataloging and Processing will catalog the replacement volume as an added copy or new edition, change the Item Processing Status of the item record for the lost item to FP (LOST (Billed-Paid), which suppresses the item from OPAC display, and record the note “Replacement copy [date, initials]” in the Internal note field of the new item (which will also be coded as a gift). The lost item will be withdrawn according to standard procedures.

An item will be declared Lost by patron, and Withdrawn, when that item is found to be overdue for at least two years. Materials in this category will generally be identified by running a report in Aleph at least once a year to identify material overdue for two years or longer that is not already Withdrawn. Cataloging and Processing will be notified about materials in the report, and will enter an Item Processing Status of LO (LOST), which suppresses the item from OPAC display. Cataloging and Processing will Withdraw the item according to standard procedures.

Note: Aleph supplies an Item Status display of LOST in the OPAC as soon as an item is billed. This display does not derive from the Item Processing Status. Billed material will normally continue to display in the OPAC as LOST until the item is found, the bill is settled, or the item is Withdrawn after being overdue for two years.

If at any time it is discovered that a bill for an item has been paid, Circulation will make appropriate notes in the item record and notify Cataloging and Processing, who will change the Item Processing Status to FP (Bill Paid), and take the appropriate Withdrawal steps.

III. Discarded

An item will be declared Discarded when Library staff decide to physically dispose of an item (usually because of severe damage or duplicate status), at which point the item processing status will be coded DS (Discarded), which suppresses the item record from OPAC display. A Circ Note will be entered in the item record, saying “Discarded [date, initials].” The reason for the discard should be stated if possible. Cataloging and Processing will complete the Withdrawal according to standard procedures.


Circulation or branch staff declare an item Missing or Lost by Patron, enter appropriate notes, and notify Cataloging and Processing.

Cataloging and Processing staff code the records appropriately, withdraw the item, and notify Collection Development. Cataloging and Processing staff maintain OCLC holdings and statistics of the collection, and catalogs replacement volumes.

Collection Development decides whether or not a withdrawn item should be replaced and, if so, places an order with Acquisitions.

Acquisitions orders the replacement copy and notes in the order record that the order is a replacement for the given item.


Whenever a Withdrawn item is found, Circulation will be responsible for any appropriate refund steps, and Cataloging and Processing will re-instate the item by 1) un-suppressing records; 2) re-storing holdings on OCLC; 3) deleting notes relating to the withdrawal (except notes relating to patrons or payments that may be needed by Circulation); and 4) recording the re-instatement in the statistics of the collection.

Table of Relevant Item Processing Statuses

DS (Discarded) (Suppresses item) – Used to record Withdrawal for items discarded by Library staff.

FN (Bill Not Paid) (Suppresses item) – Primarily a carry-over from III, used to record Withdrawal for an item in which it is known that the bill has not been paid. Not likely to be much used in Aleph.

FP (Bill Paid) (Suppresses item) – Used to record Withdrawal for items Lost by patron in which it is known that the bill has been paid, or a replacement volume has been supplied by the patron.

LO (Lost) (Suppresses item) – Used to record Withdrawal for items Lost by patron in which no billing information is available.

MI (Missing) (Suppresses item) – Used to record Withdrawal for items not found after determined number of searches.

SF (Missing (First) (Displays as Missing, does not suppress item) – Used to record the first time that an item is discovered to be not in its place. Marks the item for subsequent routine searches.

SS (Missing (Second) (Displays as Missing, does not suppress item) – Used to record the second time that an item is searched after being marked SF. ST (Missing (Third) (Displays as Missing, does not suppress item) – Not used at this time, since by policy material is Withdrawn after two searches.

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